Drip, drip…flood!
Is that what’s happening right now?
Between the Twitter Files, Elon Musk himself, Balenciaga, and now Barrack Obama’s own brother, it seems like everything is getting exposed.
And despite drop after drop of things I consider to be massive bombshells, the public still hasn’t really woken up yet.
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Is the grand-daddy exposure coming soon?
The straw that finally breaks the camel’s back and blows everything wide open?
You have to wonder.
It sure feels that way to me, I can literally feel it in my bones.
Basically, this:
Why am I talking about this now?
Because Barrack Hussein Obama’s own brother is talking about it.
Looks like he’s giving a little nudge to get this out in the open:
Folks. What was PizzaGate?
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) December 30, 2022
To answer Malik’s question, just watch this:
— Mister E (@mister_e_e) December 30, 2022
Here is Bitchute:
And another.
Here is Rumble:
And read this from Liz Crokin’s Substack (read the Full Report here):
In this column I’m going to explain in detail how the Balenciaga scandal is Pizzagate.
The term Pizzagate stems from the release of thousands of John Podesta’s e-mails via Wikileaks in 2016. John was the campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and several e-mails between him and his associates contained the use of the word pizza, a well-known pedophile code word that has been identified by law enforcement and documented in the Department of Justice records, in a context that does not make sense for them to be referring to the Italian dish. This launched a citizen investigation around the world, and what horrified researchers discovered is that there’s a secret cabal of powerful Satanic pedophiles who are engaged in the rape, torture and trafficking of children. That’s what Pizzagate is, period. Pizzagate was never just about one DC pizza joint and a basement – that was the mainstream media’s spin on it to distract you and to cover up crimes against children.
I’ve been saying for six years now that one day the mainstream media would be forced to tell the truth about Pizzagate. That day has finally come. Enter Balenciaga. Balenciaga recently released a holiday ad campaign featuring children holding teddy bears in bondage with BDSM accessories. In another ad that dropped on Nov. 21, copies appeared strategically placed on a desk from the Supreme Court Case United States v. Williams, a ruling that upheld the PROTECT Act, that increased federal protections against child pornography. These ads promoting the sexual exploitation of children launched another global citizen investigation, and suddenly it was 2016 all over again. However, this time the media has not been able to successfully cover up or ignore this elephant in the room. As researchers dug, the Balenciaga Satanic horror show got worse and worse. The parallels between this scandal and what citizen journalists discovered after the Podesta E-mails were released are not only strikingly similar, there’s direct connections between the Clintons and their sex trafficking pals and Balenciaga. I will get to that soon.
Upon further digging, Internet sleuths discovered that some of the women behind Balenciaga’s ad campaigns openly promote on their social media images glorifying Satanism, occult blood rituals, child abuse and cannibalism. For instance, the fashion empire’s stylist, Lotta Volkova, has an Instagram account littered with stomach churning, demonic garbage and many of the photos depict child torture. There are photos of white rabbits terrorizing children. In one photo Volkova is in a church wearing a long-sleeve shirt that reads “Cannibal Corpse”. Another photo shows a young woman tied down to the floor over a pentagram. Above her is a man dressed up as Baal, a Canaanite deity who kids were ritualistically sacrificed to. One of the more disturbing images shows a child with her mouth and entire body taped to a chair. The helpless child has a headset on linked up to a computer. In one image, Volkova implies she’s eating a baby with a photo of her eating a tiny arm with a demon possessed look in her eyes with the caption “canniballotta”. There’s another Satanic photo of her wearing all red holding baby dolls that are blood red.
There’s a photo from another Balenciaga campaign showing a child with a balloon string wrapped around her neck. There’s a book by Michael Borreman strategically placed on a desk in another image from the fashion line. That book depicts the Satanic Ritualistic Abuse (SRA) of children. Furthermore, a video from a Balenciaga campaign shows bloodied baby dolls in a Balenciaga bag. In another image, there is yellow tape on the floor and Balenciaga is spelled “BAALENCIAGA”. It also is important to note that models for Balenciaga’s fashion shows have walked the runway made to look like domestic violence and/or trafficking victims covered in blood and bruises.
Kim Kardashian is an ambassador for Balenciaga and she’s not only worn some of their most demonic looking garbs that resemble the look of an executioner or the gimp from Pulp Fiction, covering her entire body including her face in black bondage, she’s also dressed up her daughter, North West, to look like this. It took Kardashian six days to comment on this scandal after it erupted and the public cried for the masses to cancel Balenciaga. Instead of parting ways with them, Kardashian stated she was simply reevaluating her relationship with them.
Click here to watch my Slave Princess documentary where I link the trafficking of Britney Spears and other corruption to the Kardashians.
Before I tie the Balenciaga scandal to Hillary’s pedophile network of friends, let’s review how the initial investigation into Pizzagate in 2016 revealed that people in Hillary’s inner circle are also obsessed with pedophilia, cannibalism and Satanic blood rituals just like some of the big players involved in the Balenciaga scandal.
For starters, I recommend that you read my Pizzagate Exposed: Part 1 where I prove that pizza is a pedophile code word using open source information and a record from the Department of Justice. I also encourage you to read my columns Pizzagate Exposed Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 where I detail how the word pizza is used in a context that does not make sense for them to be talking about pizza as food. These e-mails are extraordinarily disturbing and damning. The one e-mail I want to highlight that I talk in detail about in Pizzagate Exposed: Part 5 is from Tamera Luzzatto. She worked as Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff when she served at the U.S. Senate. At the same time, Luzzatto ran a password protected and monetized site that advertised subscribers could view images of babies and toddlers “raw and uncut” and some of the tabs listed on her site were “baby ambien”, “filth”, “psychopath” and “EWB”. EWB is an acronym for evil white bitch. Also, it should be noted that the names of three children displayed on this site, that has all the markers of a child porn website, were also named in an e-mail Luzzatto sent to John Podesta, with others cc’d, where she wrote that those kids would be provided as “entertainment” for their adult party.
In my Pizzagate Exposed: Part 2 column, I go over John and Tony Podesta’s art which is very similar to the kind of art and photos promoted by Balenciaga and their people. Tony had art actually hanging in his home depicting pedophilia and child torture. He also had a gold statue called The Arch of Hysteria by Louise Bourgeois hanging in his home. This statue is a gold sculpture of a decapitated human positioned the same way serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer positioned some of his victims. These photos were all displayed in a Washington Post article from 2004 that since has been scrubbed from their site. Furthermore, John actually had a painting hanging in his office, when he served as Hillary’s campaign chairman, that depicted cannibalism. These photos are all featured in my Pizzagate Exposed: Part 2 column.
In Pizzagate Exposed: Part 3, I cover how Marina Abramovic invited Tony and John via e-mail to a spirit cooking dinner. Spirit cooking is a ritual involving blood, sperm and breastmilk. There’s droves of images of Abramovic flaunting Satanic symbolism, blood rituals and many other demonic photographs of her with celebrities at cannibal-themed dinners. This is all detailed in Part 3.
James Alefantis is the owner of Comet Ping Pong. Alefantis and the media have claimed for years that his restaurant is a “family friendly” pizza joint. He has hosted fundraisers for Hillary, a birthday party for John and was a regular visitor at the White House under Barack Obama’s presidency. Alefantis even posted a photo of then President Barack Obama in the White House play ping pong with a child and put the hashtag “White House Christmas party” in the caption.
The media distorted Pizzagate to make it all about Alefantis and his basement that they insisted didn’t exist. What the media failed to tell you is that Alefantis said himself in an interview with Metro Weekly about Comet Ping Pong, that he stores their tomatoes in the basement. In 2016 after the Podesta E-mails came out, Alefantis reversed course and made the new claim that Comet Ping Pong has no basement. Not one person in the media asked him why just a year prior he referenced in an interview that the pizza parlor did have a basement.
James Alefantis’s Instagram page is just as disturbing as some of the images surfacing from the Balenciaga scandal. He posted a photo of a child taped to a table. He also posted a photo of an infant and called her a “hotard”. In another photo of a baby he wrote the caption “Why does Daddy like BUTT?” In one photo there is a man holding a baby with what appears to be sex and/or anal beads around the child’s neck and the caption is “chicken lovers”. Chicken lovers is a pedophile code word defined as an adult man who is sexually attracted to children. In another image, there’s three people wearing creepy masks including what appears to be an underage boy. This appears to be at least the depiction of some kind of Satanic ritual that could be a scene straight out of Eyes Wide Shut.
This isn’t the first time Malik has made headlines.
He very famously called out “Big Mike” just a few months ago:
WOW: Malik Obama AGAIN Posts About “Big Mike”
Any time I cover Barack Hussein Obama’s brother Malik, or his comments about “Big Mike” I always give a big disclaimer:
I don’t make the news, I just report it.
And it is most definitely newsworthy when Hussein’s own brother keeps making these posts.
Today he posted this picture, with no comment:
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) November 20, 2022
You can garner whatever conclusion you want from that image, but it does appear as though Michelle is towering over Hussein and she has better delts than I could ever hope to have!
People took to Twitter to post their own replies…
Here are just some of the top ones:
— Trunalimumumaprzure! (@chodeandtheboys) November 20, 2022
Of course we all remember what happened to Joan Rivers:
Big Mike?
— Sub Divo… (@SubDivo_Simius) November 21, 2022
Ali on the top, Michelle on the bottom.
The Greatest!
— Fweedom🇺🇸 (@Fweedom5) November 21, 2022
This was the THIRD time Malik has posted about Hussein in just the past week.
Here are the others:
Barack Obama’s Brother Calls Him A “Traitor”
Noah here, and if you’re looking for the Complaint Department you can send all complaints directly to Barrack Hussein Obama’s brother, Malik Obama — don’t send them to me.
I’m merely reporting what he just posted.
Don’t shoot the messenger.
But my oh my, can you believe he just said this?
Check out the time stamp: November, 10, 2022:
I don't hate Barack Obama. I'm just upset that he turned out to be what he is. A traitor.
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) November 20, 2022
And here’s a screenshot in case he deletes it, but I don’t think he will:
Literally called it out: a TRAITOR.
I assume that means Treason to the United States?
Perhaps it means something else.
Maybe it means a traitor to their home country…
Maybe it means a traitor to their family…
Maybe all of the above.
I don’t know.
He followed it by doubling down and saying not only is he a traitor but he “sold his soul”.
Take a look:
We used to be like Frick an Frack until he sold his soul.
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) November 20, 2022
And look at one of the comments he replied to:
If Hussein’s own family hates him this much, how bad must he really be?
Worse than we even thought?
It’s not the first time Malik has outed his brother…
REMEMBER THIS? Barack Obama’s Brother EXPOSES The Michael/Michelle Rumors?!
Ok folks, buckle up on this one!
We have not made it a mainstay of this channel to focus on rumors like “Michelle Obama is a man” or “Michelle Obama is actually Michael Robinson”….although we have from time to time mentioned it in passing.
We’ve also covered when other news-worthy celebrities have talked about the rumors.
Like this one from Joan Rivers who came right out and said it just days before she died suddenly and unexpectedly:
FLASHBACK: Do You Remember What Joan Rivers Said About The Obamas Right Before She Dropped Dead?
And even when I cover it in passing or cover Joan Rivers saying it, I take a lot of heat!
I think 90% of people believe it's likely true, but the vocal 10% get very angry at me.
Today is vindication.
Because today Barack Obama's own brother, Malik Obama, just Tweeted about the story and he appears to be giving the wink and the nod to it being TRUE!
I'm not saying it is 100% true, but I am saying Barack Obama's own brother is tweeting about it with the eggplant emoji and he appears to be all but confirming it.
So if you've got a beef, your beef is not with me -- it's with Malik.
Don't send me your hate mail.
We do our research and it's very newsworthy that Barack's own brother just Tweeted this:
And NO! I cannot confirm or deny the legend of BIG MIKE 🍆 AKA Michael Lavaughn Robinson. Folks please don't ask me that question again.
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) June 12, 2022
Yes, it's real you can go pull it up for yourself.
And yes, that's his verified blue-checkmark profile.
And here is a screenshot in case that gets taken down:
Come to find out, it's actually not the first time Malik has tweeted about it.
Here is from 2019:
Malik points out one thing internet sleuths have been asking about for years...
Why are there ZERO pictures of Michelle Obama pregnant?
There are less pictures of her pregnant than their are of John Durham before the Sussman trial -- and she allegedly birthed two children?
Google of course will not show you much, but a DuckDuckGo search reveals hundreds of thousands of photos and webpage results on the topic:
Many claim that Michelle and Michael have similar arm scars, and this appears to be what they are talking about:
While the 10% of people who hate this story are very vocal, the 90% appear to believe as Malik does:
Definitely don't look into Michael's football career at Oregon State University BEAVERS.
Definitely don't look for matching arm scars.
Nothing to see here.
— steven waters©®™ (@ima12voltwacko1) June 12, 2022
Thats confirmation
— Raith8907 🍊🍊🇺🇸🇺🇲 (@Raith8907) June 12, 2022
And with a nod to Seinfeld, here is my favorite:
No way was Mrs. Obama a dude!!! (Not that there's anything wrong with that) 😉
— El American (@elandrecito66) June 12, 2022
There's also an entire movie made on the topic that you can see here at IMDB:
And then there is the infamous Ellen dancing event, which I'm not even going to go into here...
Research that one yourself.
But I will get into this...here is Barack himself saying "Michael and I" -- watch for yourself:
Let's end with my personal favorite:
PARODY! https://t.co/RRklcXUP8p
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) November 19, 2022
So...what do you think?
True or baseless?
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