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This Person Does Not Exist


Hi friends!

Noah here with something that might blow your mind.

Artificial intelligence is suddenly growing at a shocking rate, and I’m getting very nervous about it.

Today I learned about a new website called

The website does what you might expect it would do…

It shows you one picture each time you load it.

That’s it.

The only catch?

The picture it shows you is of a person who does not exist.

Never did.

Never will.

It’s an image drawn by an AI computer.

Thousands, millions of them exist — without end.

The person in the image at the top of this article?

Does not exist.

This person? 👇

Does not exist.

Her either:

Not real:

Not a human:

Not a real person:

And on and on it goes.

Test it yourself if you want:

The image is made by a “Generative adversarial network”.

What’s that, you ask?

Well, easy — I’m happy to tell you.

For the answer, I turn to another AI robot — something brand new called ChatTGP.

It’s similar to Google, but better.

MUCH better.

I asked it this question: “Explain a generative adversarial network in less than 1000 words at a 4th grade reading level.”

Here’s what I got as the answer (in about 10 seconds):

A generative adversarial network, or GAN, is a type of machine learning model that is made up of two parts: a generator and a discriminator.

The generator’s job is to create new, fake data that looks similar to real data. For example, the generator might be trained to create fake pictures of dogs that look like real pictures of dogs. The generator does this by taking in a random noise input and turning it into a fake image.

The discriminator’s job is to look at an image and decide if it is real or fake. If the discriminator thinks the image is real, it will give the image a high score. If it thinks the image is fake, it will give the image a low score. The discriminator does this by looking at the features of the image and comparing them to what it knows about real images.

The generator and discriminator work together in a kind of competition. The generator is trying to create fake images that the discriminator will think are real, while the discriminator is trying to correctly identify which images are real and which are fake. As the generator gets better at creating fake images, the discriminator gets better at identifying them. This back and forth between the generator and discriminator helps both parts of the GAN improve over time.

One way that GANs are used is to create new, fake images that look like real images. For example, a GAN might be trained on a dataset of real pictures of dogs, and then be able to generate new, fake pictures of dogs that look like they could be real. GANs can also be used for other types of data, like audio or text.

Overall, GANs are a powerful tool for creating new, synthetic data that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Yes, folks…the world is changing before your very eyes and you won’t recognize it even 12 months from now.

It’s that big of a change that is not just “coming” but it’s already here.

Here’s more on how it works:

Here’s more on how it works:

Remember how I keep warning you about Deep Fakes?

Looks like we were right again…and WAY ahead of the curve.

I originally warned you about this almost three years ago:

Two Joe Bidens? Comparing 2006 vs. Now [MUST SEE]

Let’s dig in to a very serious question, shall we?

What is going on with Joe Biden?

That’s a very open-ended question that could take hours to unpack, but let’s just talk about his looks and mannerisms.

Is this the same guy from a few years ago?

I wonder.

And so do many of you because I get your emails and videos.

On that note, a big “thank you” very much to my friend Mark who sent me this video.

It’s a comparison of Joe Biden in 2006 vs. now.

The differences are stunning!

Of course you have the shocking mental decline but you also have a man who sounds a lot more like a Republican back in 2006.

Watch this and then keep reading for a deep dive into just how many different “Bidens” there seem to be!

Is this the same man?

Even Sean Hannity is talking about it!

But first, watch this from Rumble:

Now let’s dig in deeper…

I’m not making any conclusions here, I’m simply reporting.

I report, you decide.

Anyone else think Joe Biden looks a little….”different”….than he used to?

Of course we all look different as we continue to age.

Reminds me of one of my favorite Mitch Hedberg jokes:

But let’s get serious for a moment.

Because seriously, Joe Biden does NOT look much like the guy from 10-15 years ago.

My friend Daniel just posted this video and I had to share it with you:

If you’re having trouble seeing that, you can watch it here on Rumble:

Wanna take it one more level deeper?

Many people are saying the last photo in that video sure does look like Jim Carey pretending to be Joe Biden.

What do you think:

But it’s not just “conspiracy theorists” on the Internet asking questions.

Sean Hannity is even starting to question it.

Watch this recent segment where he asks “What happened to Joe?”

Are there two Joes?

Watch Sean here on Rumble:

What do you think?

Leave a comment below.

Want to dive in even deeper?

Let’s look at an even older clip of Joe Biden and you tell me if this is the same guy currently pretending to be President…..


And since Twitter will no doubt be taking that post down very soon, don’t worry I saved a backup!

From Rumble:

Beyond the incredible admission, people are rightly pointing out that the Biden of today does not look or sound much like the Biden of 13 years ago.

Take a look for yourself:

And here:

What do you think?

They sure do look different to me!

And while we’re on the topic of Biden’s admissions (perhaps from a guilty soul?) let’s revisit this:

Even a liar tells the truth sometimes!

Mostly when his cognitive ability has declined so much he can no longer keep all the lies straight.

What do YOU think?


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Hey, Noah here!

Wondering where we went?

Read this and bookmark our new site!

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