This is a few months old, but someone just brought it to my attention and it’s genius!
Enjoy this one, it’s Joe Biden’s infamous “My mind’s going blank” remixed and put to song.
That genius remix is from this famous incident:
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Joe Biden: “My mind is going blank right now…”
They say a broken clock is still right twice a day.
And Joe Biden finally just uttered a phrase that might be the most truthful thing he’s ever said:
“My mind is going blank right now…”
We know Joe.
It’s been happening for a while and it’s nearly all gone.
Take a look at this embarrassing moment for America:
We know Joe
— Sean Hannity 🇺🇸 (@seanhannity) September 3, 2021
That’s not even the best part.
A few seconds later he says:
“I don’t know what the hell’s going on here….”
And there you have it, the broken clock right twice.
Watch it here on Rumble:
‘My mind is going blank’: Biden stumbles recalling daughter’s wedding, synagogue refutes his story
— BPR (@BIZPACReview) September 3, 2021
From the Western Journal:
President Joe Biden on Thursday forgot something that actually happened and remembered something that did not.
Biden participated in a video conference held to mark the beginning of several major Jewish holidays.
During his comments, he brought up the 2018 massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
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“I remember spending time at the — you know, going to the — you know, the Tree of Life Synagogue, speaking with the — just — it just is amazing these things are happening — happening in America,” he said.
Barb Feige, executive director of Tree of Life since July 2019, said Biden never visited the synagogue after the shooting, according to the New York Post.
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Biden also wandered afield into a reminiscence of the 2012 wedding of his daughter Ashley and Howard Krein, who is Jewish, Fox News reported.“My daughter married a Jewish young man. And — you know, dream of every — every Catholic father that she marry a Jewish doctor,” he said.
“And — and we wanted to have a co-confessional wedding,” Biden said. “And we had a chuppah on the altar, and we had a co- — it was co-officiated. Now, some of you aren’t going to like this, but it was co-officiated by a Catholic priest as well as a Jewish rabbi.”
“And I only asked one thing. They asked me — and I arranged it — and I only asked one thing. There’s a psalm based — there’s a hymn — my favorite hymn in the Catholic Church based on a psalm, and it’s — it’s a psalm that talks about life. And — and so, I — I asked if that ps- — that psalm — that hymn in the Catholic Church,” he said.
“And it says, ‘May He lift you up on Eagle’s wings and bear you on the breath of dawn, and let the light shine upon you,’ et cetera, and — ‘and hold you in the palm of his hand.’”
“And they played — and I’m — my mind is going blank now. What’s the song that is played where everybody is on the chair? Everybody, you know — what — what — I can’t remember it. Anyway. And that’s the song that was played,” he said.
“So, you know, I don’t know what the hell is going on here. I just had one little favor — you know, just that they play “On the Wi- — On Eagle’s Wings,” he said at last.
During the meeting, Biden began telling the holy men about his daughter's wedding.
"I can't remember it. Anyway … I said, 'What the hell's going on here?' I just had one little favor, just that they play 'Eagle's Wings.'"
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 3, 2021
Biden's brain snaps as he tries to remember his *own* daughter's wedding & pander to rabbis:
"My mind is going blank now, what is the song that is played, with everybody around the chairs, up? I can't remember— anyways I'm taking too much of your time."
This is soooo painful.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 2, 2021
And from the Washington Examiner:
President Joe Biden appeared confused when recalling his daughter’s wedding during a meeting with rabbis prior to the Jewish holiday season.
During the meeting, Biden began telling the holy men about his daughter’s wedding. He explained having a joint Jewish-Catholic wedding, his daughter being a Catholic and her husband Jewish.
“We wanted to have a co-confessional wedding,” Biden said. “We had a huppah on the altar, and we had a co- … It was co-officiated. Now some of you aren’t gonna like this, but it was co-officiated by a Catholic priest, as well as a Jewish rabbi.”
Biden then appears to complain about a Catholic hymn he requested at the wedding not getting played and a Jewish song being played instead.
“I only asked one thing … There’s a hymn, my favorite hymn in the Catholic Church based on a psalm. I asked if that hymn in the Catholic Church … and they played, my mind is going blank now, what’s the song that is played when everybody is on the chair?” Biden said, appearing confused. “I can’t remember it. Anyway … I said, ‘What the hell’s going on here?’ I just had one little favor, just that they play ‘Eagle’s Wings.'”
Biden then trails off into another thought.
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