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Tim Sheets: “Handled”


This is really getting incredible…

We follow a lot of powerful prophetic voices here at WeLoveTrump, but the one that is currently rising above all the rest in terms of accuracy is the humble Tim Sheets.

This man is incredible and I know so many of you enjoy listening to him as much as I do.

I first learned of his brother Dutch, but then started listening more and more to Tim and really started to be blown away at his accuracy.

In my last update (which I will post below) he had a prophetic word about “Files” being released…and what did we get recently?

The Twitter Files.

Tim originally released that word before Elon was even talking about buying Twitter.

Then we had “Checkmate”.

Then we had “Whistleblowers”.

And now today we have “Handled”.

And that might not mean what you think it means.

You see, in a prophetic word from back in October, Tim said the puppets would soon lose their puppet master and they would stop being “handled”.

Well, what did we get in the recent Twitter Files dump a couple days ago?

An internal Twitter email was released, and in it was a request to censor conservatives.

The reply from Twitter?



The Holy Spirit, through Tim, got this one right down to the very exact word!

That’s just the beginning.

There’s so much more in here, and I really want you to watch the whole thing.

Please enjoy (and then scroll down for some of the history):

Here is the source message he is referring to….

Tim Sheets: The Strings Will Burn First!

I have a powerful new message to pass along to you from Tim Sheets.

His messages recently have really been building on each other so if you’ve missed his earlier ones I’ll post those down below so you can catch up.

But I think you’re really going to love this new one…and be encouraged greatly by it!

The strings will burn first he says!

The strings will be cut.

The puppets will no longer dance.

It’s time.

Please enjoy:

And now if you missed his earlier ones, catch up here.

Tim Sheets: Multiple Prophesies Fulfilled All At Once!

You’re going to LOVE this one…

Even the prophecy deniers, you might want to tune in here and soften your heart.

Tim Sheets is one of the good guys and has been for a long time.

Humble heart.

Humble stature.

But straight fire in the spirit and in the Kingdom of God.

We’ve been happy to cover him for many months now and I always love being able to post when a prophecy is fulfilled.

Even better?

When multiple prophecies are fulfilled all at the same time.

A while back Tim had a prophecy about a “file” being released.

You can watch that here:

Spoiler alert, but what did we get this week?

The Twitter Files!

Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

Then he had one on “Checkmate”:

And that came shortly after the Twitter Files from Kayleigh McEnany.

Then he had the prophetic eruption in Hawaii and so much more.

All happening at the same time!

I know so many people have lost hope, but this is incredible!

Take heart friends!

Take hope!

Stand firm and stand strong!

Here’s his latest message where he pulls it all together and I think you’re absolutely going to LOVE it:

I’ll give you a few more than might be fulfilled next:

Tim Sheets: The Dominoes Are Lined Up [My Take On The Meaning]

I’m posting a brand new prophetic message from Tim Sheets.

Tim isn’t a guy we cover too often here at WeLoveTrump but that may be changing.

Because this is one of the most simple, straight-forward and powerful prophetic messages I’ve ever heard.

He says flat out that we are in the time of spiritual war from now until the Midterms.

After that he says it’s over.

Anyone else like the sound of that?

There are actually two different prophetic messages given in this video and the second one is even stronger than the first, in my opinion.

It was a vision of dominoes lined up and ready to be tipped over.

The dominoes were in the shape of a snake and the first time started with the tail until it got to the head and the head fell.

Then Tim said very powerfully and prophetically: the King is getting ready to smash the head of the serpent!

Now here’s my take on the whole message…

And I’m sure there are several layers to this, but one thing that really jumped out to me was the powerful effect of the dominoes and what this will do to the public.  To the people who have not yet woken up.

Robin Bullock (I believe, if I remember correctly) has stated that something so huge will come out that it will shift even the heart of Fox News and its leadership and they will begin reporting on the truth.

What could that be?

Here’s my take based on Tim’s message.

This just jumped out at me when I was listening and it was an angle I hadn’t really considered before.

In the vision of the dominoes, I’ve always thought about it like it’s all leading up to one big thing.  Like each domino is maybe a low-level person ratting out someone higher up until we get to one big disclosure.

But what if it’s different.

What if each domino was something big in itself.

What if it was bombshell after bombshell after bombshell…

It would be easy for the MSM to just ignore or explain away one big story.

But what if it was dozens or hundreds of stories all coming out one after the other?

What if they were all linked together?

That’s the vision that jumped out at me while listening to this message from Tim.

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Eventually so much would be coming out and all be so inter-connected that you couldn’t ignore it and you couldn’t explain away each and every one….

And then?

And then the head of the snake falls.

Watch here and enjoy:

Tim Sheets Gives Update On Supernatural Turnaround | U-Turns!

A few months ago, Tim Sheets posts a fantastic video on spiritual U-Turns that were coming to our nation.

It was a real favorite from everyone who watched.

Now today on the steps of the Supreme Court in D.C. he’s posted a short update I want to share with you.

Please enjoy:

Here’s one more…

In case you missed it:

Prophetic Word From Tim Sheets: “Permission To Proceed!”


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