Sometimes you have to use humor and satire to make a point.
To mock something that needs to be mocked.
Because humor and satire can cut through in ways other things can’t.
So yes, I realize how serious of a topic this is…
Trending: FACT-CHECK: Is The Butt Baby Real?
And I’ll actually give you a few more updates below on that.
But first, major credit to this guy for doing this:
Applying to Balenciaga in Bondage
— KYLE (@KyleForgeard) December 4, 2022
So awesome…
Looks like he’d fit right in with these freaks, I’m surprised they didn’t hire him on the spot and assign him to the children’s department!
Meanwhile, here is Kim Kardashian still trying to figure out if she’s ok with the Baal-worshiping company or not:
Kim Kardashian divorced Kanye over a MAGA hat, but she’s trying to work it out with the pedophiles at Balenciaga.
— Rob Smith 🇺🇸 (@robsmithonline) November 28, 2022
Not really a hard decision there Kim…
The fact that you would even pause tells us all we need to know.
THIS is how you do it (for reference):
Brittany Aldean took to Instagram to LITERALLY trash her Balenciaga gear.
This is how you do culture.
— Rob Smith 🇺🇸 (@robsmithonline) December 1, 2022
Bravo Brittany!
Now there’s a true American patriot and basic good human being.
This is a great point:
Notice how not a single bank has dropped Balenciaga.
Culture will cancel a canned food company for their CEO voting Red, but not a fashion brand promoting child pornography.
— Isabel Brown (@theisabelb) November 29, 2022
And I love how this guy took out his ear piece (so they couldn’t tell him to stop) and then he let loose.
He’s got this right. Nothing slipped through the cracks. Balenciaga did this and knew exactly what they were doing.
— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) December 3, 2022
Backup here:
This guy had the guts to speak from the heart about Balenciaga while his gutless co-hosts quaked in fear of having an Unapproved Opinion.
He ripped out his earpiece because he was being told to stop and he didn’t care.
— Rob Smith 🇺🇸 (@robsmithonline) December 2, 2022
And while we’re talking about Kardashians and Jenners and other deviants, I give you Kylie Jenner thinking this is normal:
@KylieJenner For a make up line, really? Young girls look up to you and you thought it was cool to be covered in blood to sell makeup? You need to reevaluate your choices. Sad and disturbing.
— NOYB (@Truth4forever) December 4, 2022
Why do they always love being covered in blood?
It’s so sick.
What is this for, you might ask?
Does she have a new Crime Scene Cleanup Company she is starting?
This is to sell her makeup…
Because….of course it is.
This stuff runs DEEP and we’re still only seeing the tip of the iceberg:
So you think the #BalenciagaGate story is a one-off?
An outlier?
This still is from Kylie Jenner’s promo for her “make-up” line.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) December 4, 2022
Now if that isn’t all crazy enough, be prepared to have your mind blown about this:
You’ll Never Guess What “Balenciaga” Means…
Weird name, right?
When the story first broke, we all spent the first half hour just trying to learn how to spell and how to pronounce this weird name.
So where did it come from and what does it mean?
If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that these people don’t do anything by accident.
It’s all highly planned out and “hidden in plain sight”.
So if you’ve got a massively Satanic company, you have to give it a massively Satanic name, right?
I think that’s just common sense.
And sure enough they did.
I almost couldn’t believe it, so I tested it myself and sure enough it’s accurate.
Try it on your own if you like:
Now to address the doubters…
Because I can already hear 1 or 2 poindexters reading this and saying: “but, but, that’s not accurate! The company’s name is Balenciaga not Baalenciaga so you are fake news!”
We’ve got 4 million AWESOME readers here each month, and about 1-2 poindexters, so if you’re one of the poindexters all me to address you here instead of in the comments section…
First of all, they always tweak and hide things JUST ever so slightly…
That’s part of the game.
Calling the company Baal-enciaga would be a bit too obvious even for them, but a very slight and subtle shift to Bal-enciaga it just what the doctor ordered for these sickos!
Second, if you’re paying attention they’ve already admitted it’s true, you just have to connect the dots.
Remember this?
Zoom in:
You have to be EXTREMELY dense to believe they put caution tape that spells BAAL in the photo shoot and that it was an accident.
Yeah, right!
Speaking of symbolism, it’s everywhere in here:
Cult symbolism in this Balenciaga pic:
– kid is wearing red shoes
– white rabbit
– the roll of yellow duct tape with Balenciaga on is misspelled BAAL, another name for Moloch
– the child drawings show evidence of extreme trauma and ritual abuse:— X (@BlueOrbit365) November 24, 2022
Oh, and for those who don’t know, BAAL is an ancient Canaanite King mentioned in the Bible.
He’s one of the Fallen Angels, described in Genesis 6:4.
Perhaps synonymous with Satan, perhaps a different evil Fallen Angel, that part is unclear.
Satan has so many names, but this is one of them.
Just like Moloch. And Dagon. You also have Baal or Ba’al.
Here’s more of the evil:
Somehow…The Balenciaga Scandal Just Got Even Worse!
Just when you think the Child Sex Trafficking, Bondage Teddy Bear, Demonic Ba-alenciaaga scandal couldn’t POSSIBLY get any worse….it does.
It’s becoming hard to even process in my mind, but this looks like the most Satanic thing you could possibly imagine.
Bloody babies in bags?
Is that bad?
Is that near the top of your list of worst things ever?
Me too.
So now ask yourself why these “fashion icons” think it’s a good look?
Literally of all the things you could decide to do for fashion, dead bloody babies in bags is what you go with?
Is anyone seeing this?
Well, watch it right here on Rumble:
Here’s what BioClandestine had to say on Telegram:
I’m seeing this on Twitter, haven’t seen it on Truth or Telegram, but some of the Balenciaga models were carrying fake babies, with baby items, splattered in blood… and carried it inside their Balenciaga bags on stage during the “fashion show”.
Compound this with the Balenciaga photo shoots with court cases and books in the background pertaining to child pornography, Satanism, occultism, etc., and it’s pretty obvious SOMETHING is going on.
And the lack of outrage from the Left is DEAFENING.
Exactly right!
Want more?
Want to know why I’m so pissed off?
Read this:
BANNED On YouTube: Balenciaga Exposed, It’s Gotten Far Worse! [WARNING: Extremely Graphic]
I want to stop covering the Balenciaga Scandal because it makes me sick each time I look at it…but it just keeps getting worse!
And we have to tell you the full story.
Because the only way to stop evil is to shine light on it.
And this thing needs a LOT of light…
And chlorox…
And garlic…
And whatever else stops and kills evil.
Because if you thought it was bad before (and it was!) you might not be prepared for this next stuff.
I’m going to start with this YouTube video from the guy over at A Call For An Uprising, who does fantastic work.
A true “Deplorable”.
Glad to have him on our side exposing this stuff!
And for his efforts in exposing Balenciaga, his latest YouTube video received a strike.
Because it told too much truth.
He left the video up anyway and I’m now sharing with you:
Backup here on Rumble:
The video is so good I encourage all of you to watch it…
But for those of you who don’t have time, let me cover what is in there.
Balenciaga has attempted to distance itself from this scandal by claiming it had no idea what it’s marketing agency was doing.
Almost no one is buying that, but that’s what they’re claiming.
And if no one was buying that before, I expect perhaps ZERO people will buy it after seeing this.
Meet “Lotta Volkova” (likely not her real name, but we’ll go with it).
Lotta is the Chief Designer for Balenciaga.
Juanita B is right:
“They knew exactly what they were doing.”
This is the Chief Designer for Balenciaga, Lotta Volkova.
Enough said. They knew exactly what they were doing.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 28, 2022
Very sick photo.
Red babies as if they are covered in blood.
Her face that just oozes evil.
Demonic red everywhere.
Who would ever pose like this?
Not me!
Not you!
Not anyone I know.
But these people think this is ok.
It’s not.
But….that’s the NICEST thing I’m going to show you from her.
That’s her at her best.
It gets much worse.
WARNING: read on at your own risk!
If Balenciaga did something that offended the LGBT community, every celebrity would have cut ties instantly.
They promoted child porn and nearly every celebrity is silent. Really makes you think, huh?
— BLAIRE WHITE (@MsBlaireWhite) November 28, 2022
Here is a post proudly promoting cannibalism:
A thread on WHO is REALLY behind the #Balenciaga ads:
The Devil In Disguise: Lotta Volkova
1. She has been one of the main stylist in Balenciaga since 2014.
2.She has a relationship with an accused pedophile.
3. We can't only boycott #Balenciaga but also the people behind it.— Curios Light (@curioslight) November 27, 2022
I know, I know….I just don’t get the joke.
You’re right, I don’t!
You just don’t get art!
You’re right, I don’t!
Not this garbage!
This is Lotta Volkova (left), one of the creative directors at Balenciaga.
If you think the following picture on the right is normal, unfollow me please.
— David Gokhshtein (@davidgokhshtein) November 29, 2022
Here’s where it gets REALLY evil and satanic:
T/W: These are shocking posts from Balenciagas stylist Lotta Volkova who has a sick obsession with torture, satan & child Mutilation
These pics are beyond shocking but there are far worse on her Instagram which I won’t share
Notice a common theme with the brand now? #balenciaga
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) November 27, 2022
These are the things of nightmares, why would anyone purposely create this?
Is America waking up yet?
I know everyone has hated the delay we’ve been experiencing, but it seems as though it was necessary to let all of this evil rise to the surface and be seen.
She loves promoting BAAL:
This woman is called #LottaVolkova. Much acclaimed in the fashion world. She works for #BAALenciaga. We entered her Instagram. Let's see what we found. 👇🏼📝 1/10.
— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformantofc) November 28, 2022
These make me puke!
I found these below incredible disturbing and look who's commenting on the girl that is laying down. Marc Jacobs himself. This rabbit hole I went on took me from a #BalenciagaGate to #FashionGate
— Curios Light (@curioslight) November 27, 2022
More cannibalism, this time inside a church for extra offense!
I made a big mistake and posted a modal in the first pic instead of Lotta Volkova so I might delete the thread. Here's an actual pic of her mocking church my wearing a Cannabal Corpse shirt. The Instagram post are all here and many more disturbing one
— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) November 28, 2022
This is Balenciaga brand. These posts were created by 'Lotta Volkova'.Everyday, children are being attacked viciously by sexual predators. Everyday, child sexual abuse is becoming socially acceptable.
It's time to be aggressive. NO MORE COMPROMISE.
— 🦠 ママ (@LotusYoshida) November 29, 2022
Est-ce que quelqu'un s'est penché sur ces dates inscrites sur le mur ? Car comme le photographe de Balenciaga, Gabriele Galimberti, se dit très minutieux sur tous les détails. Cela pourrait correspondre à un truc bien dégueulasse.#Balenciaga #LottaVolkova
— Marcel D. (@DubreuilhMarcel) November 29, 2022
This one post alone should be enough to have the FBI raid this sick company and shut them down forever.
How is this tolerated?
How is this legal?
This Lotta Volkova woman is not well upstairs, and to think that fully grown adults like Kim Kardashian for instance didn't notice her sickening behaviour until now is kinda strange.
— Zee 💲💲💲🏇 (@ZeynepLucho) November 28, 2022
It’s no coincidence that Kanye is also in the news right now.
He was in deep with these people:
Makes you realise now, with this picture of him and #LottaVolkova who posts sick stuff about child torture and #Moloch
Seems Mr West knows more than he cares to share.
— Dominique Samuels (@Dominiquetaegon) November 28, 2022
And after ALL of this, Kim Kardashian can’t seem to disavow them.
She’s “giving it some thought” about what she wants to do.
You kidding me?
Update: Did @KimKardashian finally speak out against #Balenciaga after this thread ? We need her to condemn and avoid working with Cannibalotta aka #LottaVolkova
— Curios Light (@curioslight) November 28, 2022
And perhaps the worst of all, although it’s hard to pick:
And do you remember Rachel Chandler?
MAJOR UPDATE: Rachel Chandler Tied To Balenciaga?
I said earlier today that it feels like not only are multiple major stories all coming together and intersecting with each other, but they’re on a crash course and about to collapse the entire system under their own weight.
FTX, Ukraine, Pedos, Money Laundering, Balenciaga, human trafficking, child trafficking, sex trafficking, open borders, the Biden Regime, RINO Republicans, 10% for the Big Guy, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Les Wexner, Epstein Island, Jeffrey Epstein….
Are they ALL connected?
It’s looking more and more likely.
Here’s the latest major connection to surface.
Rachel Chandler.
You might recognize that name, but for those who don’t I will fill you in.
She is most famous for this picture with Bill Clinton which is rumored to be from Jeffrey Epstein’s plane on the way to/from the infamous Epstein Island:
Chandler has been mentioned frequently in Q posts.
I want to be clear right upfront that no guilt on behalf of Chandler has ever been admitted or found by a court, and we want to make that clear.
It is also unclear if she was a victim, participant or perhaps both. Or perhaps neither.
But speculation is running wild online…
Here is a reference to the Q Drop involving Chandler:
REMEMBER THE Q DROP. Q ASKED US WHO IS RACHEL CHANDLER. One of the people that recruited all of the models for Balenciaga's runway show was a woman called Rachel Chandler who has been on Jeffrey Epstein's island."
— Brian (@BrianSLuzier) November 27, 2022
Many believe Chandler played a role perhaps procuring girls for Epstein Island:
Who remembers Rachel Chandler? Think #Epstein Island…..
Coincidence that she also recruited models for #Balenciaga?
I don’t believe in coincidence. #grooming
— Sue Knows Best (@sues86453) November 27, 2022
Others believe “Chandler” is not even her real name, but instead an alias giving homage to Child+Handler.
If true, that’s sick stuff:
Leaked surveillance photos from Epstein Island.
1st pic also featured on Rachel Chandler’s Instagram
[child handler = Chandler]— 𝕋ℝ𝔸ℂ𝕐✖️ (@Tr4cy8CH) November 7, 2022
And now come reports that Chandler is connected to Balenciaga:
Rachel Chandler and Balenciaga connected – wow!!
Great find – thanks @Shorty56167141
— JESSICA 👑💋🇺🇸 (@__jessayin) November 26, 2022
"In 2016 one of the people that recruited all of the models for BALENCIAGA's runway show was a woman called RACHEL CHANDLER who HAS been on Jeffrey Epstein's island"
— Janeway (@janeway888) November 27, 2022
The Chandler / Balenciaga is confirmed by
“It’s not like pink hair, it’s an entirely new way of looking at people,” says Walter Pearce. He’s explaining a shift in casting practices that began with brands like Hood By Air and Eckhaus Latta in New York and has since spread to every level of the fashion industry. It’s a shift towards what Walter calls “weird in a good way,” away from “the female beauty standard that’s so aggressively all over New York.” And it’s partly what led to a centuries-old brand like Balenciaga sending artists and DJs down its runways this year.
This summer, Walter and photographer Rachel Chandler founded Midland, a new kind of modeling and casting agency to support this new kind of model. Their goal is to make sure the Instagram- and street-cast students, skate kids, and club kids that brands now covet for their subcultural capital get work and get paid, while maintaining their sanity and sense of fun.
“We talked about how drastic the shift in casting has been over the last few years. How a lot of students or artists are modeling now, because they have a look that’s desirable, but they’re not represented,” explains Rachel. “And if you’re unrepresented, you often end up underpaid. So Midland has two parts: it’s a casting agency but we’re also a model agency.”
Rachel and Walter currently represent 16 models, in addition to casting and consulting for brands including Junya Watanabe, Eckhaus Latta, and Hood By Air. “I think so far, the greatest compliment anyone gave me was from a friend who’s not in the industry,” says Rachel, “They told me, ‘When I look at the roster, I want to know more about each person. I want to know who they are.”
Rai, one of Midland’s models, went to Walter’s high school in upstate New York. He is over six foot tall, with the luminous skin, long hair, and slightly angular upturned nose of an anime character. “Right when I started casting, he was on my mind,” Walter says. “But I think I hadn’t developed my style enough, I wasn’t confident enough, to know that he was actually so strong.”
Walter, now 21, began his career during his sophomore year in high school. He interned at DIS magazine at 14, before a mutual friend introduced him to Shayne Oliver of Hood By Air. At 16, he started interning with Oliver (who he now refers to as “my mother”), and assisted the brand with casting. He helped oversee the street casting for Oliver’s beautifully twisted scholastic spring/summer 16 show, flying over two guys he’d met in LA, with faces covered in tattoos. And this past September, working as Midland, he oversaw Hood By Air’s show casting for the first time. Rai walked in a white shirt with straight-jacket-like sleeves, his hair and forehead wet with a half-inch-thick layer of Vaseline.
“Only when we were forming Midland was I like, ‘Wait a minute, this kid is so sick,'” Walter says. “It’s so funny knowing the context, that he went to this little high school upstate, because now of course we have a totally different relationship.”
“The whole thing’s super personal to us, and as a result the relationships are super personal,” Walter continues. He says that Guy, another model who was a Hood By Air exclusive this past season, is like a little brother to him. He sometimes goes to Walter’s house for dinner, he texts him on his birthday. “We basically shattered this idea that enjoying modeling and getting work are mutually exclusive. That’s been the standard up to this point, for real.”
“The other thing that’s been really cool is that the agency’s two parts feed each other,” says Rachel. Rachel works with Eckhaus Latta year round, and through the brand’s open casting calls on Instagram she met two people she ended up signing with Midland. “Another boy we have on our roster, I was eating in a sushi restaurant on Avenue A and was literally mid-bite when I saw him walk by. I ran out and my friend thought I was completely insane. But I signed him and he did the Helmut Lang [campaign] I just cast.”
Like Walter, Rachel has a sought-after eye for spotting talent in unlikely places, a knack she honed through her work as a photographer. In March she helped curate the lineup for Demna Gvsalia’s fall/winter 16 Balenciaga show. “The casting director was a friend of a friend and he needed help,” she explains. “I suggested a few people for them and they ended up taking all of my suggestions! So I thought, ‘Ok, I must be good at this.'”
According to other reports from Oli London, Chandler runs a talent agency which procured many of the models for the Balenciaga photo shoot in question.
More on that below if you missed the original story (this will blow your mind).
Balenciaga destanı kötüleşmeye devam ediyor. Epstein Adası ziyaretçisi Rachel Chandler tarafından işe alınan modellere göz atın (kulağa ‘handler’ gibi geliyor).
Bu kızlar ve erkekler sana manken gibi mi görünüyor? Yoksa istismar mağdurları mı? 😡— çanakkale geçilmez (@ismailcengiz) November 27, 2022
So is Chandler connected?
Many say so:
"I had a feeling there would be a Rachel Chandler-Balenciaga connection and there it is!👆🏻The models at Balenciaga and Midland, a “modeling & casting agency” founded by Chandler, look abused and like real trafficking victims!"
— DOUG IS MY GOV (@DougIsMyGov) November 24, 2022
You want to see how deep and dark Balenciaga’s abuse of kids goes?
She is a model agent, provides a lot of models for brand. All models in her agency look like Trafficking Victims. She was on Epstein Island she even posted CCTV pic from Island
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) November 26, 2022
Here is a portion of the photo shoot in question….
Very troubling:
the brand "Balenciaga" just did a uh….. interesting… photoshoot for their new products recently which included a very purposely poorly hidden court document about 'virtual child porn'
normal stuff
— shoe (@shoe0nhead) November 21, 2022
That entire #Balenciaga campaign was ALL ABOUT some real sick shit. A child with a BDSM Bear, alcohol, and a carefully placed court document involving a Federal Child P*rn Lawsuit…in plain sight. The whole thing was very carefully crafted, don’t u get it?#kanyewasright
— FlowerGangstar💫 (@FlowerGangstar) November 22, 2022
Anyone wearing Balenciaga from this point onwards is endorsing child pornography, and should be cancelled.
— Layah Heilpern (@LayahHeilpern) November 24, 2022
Here is Oli London’s report on Rumble:
And here’s a longer clip:
Meanwhile…Balenciaga has gone into damage control mode.
They have denied all liability and claimed the photographer acted without their knowledge, and they’re now suing:
Balenciaga has filed a $25 million lawsuit against North Six Inc. and set designer Nicholas Des Jardins for that BDSM Teddy Bear photoshoot. BUT Art Director for the shoot was actually Balenciaga's own Demna and styled by photographer Gabriele Galimberti. Balenciaga is behind it
— Giuseppe Mercadante (@itsmercadante) November 26, 2022
Many people online are not buying the lawsuit and claim it’s only window dressing for damage control:
No accountability with Balenciaga. This is full on damage control. They have meetings where they brainstorm with the photographers. It’s a creative department. I don’t believe they are blaming a marketing agency. They knew. #Balenciaga #BalenciagaGate #Lawsuit #BalenciagaGroomers
— Scarlett James (@ScarlettJamesCC) November 26, 2022
Here’s what Kim Kardashian just posted and people don’t seem to be buying it:
You buying this from @KimKardashian?
— (@DailyNoahNews) November 28, 2022
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