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FLASHBACK: Bush’s Telling And Revealing Slip-Up


George W. Bush is the worst President I have seen in my lifetime…Biden doesn’t count because he isn’t even a bonafide President of the United States.

George W. Bush began the death spiral of this country 21 years ago through endless wars in the Middle East, reckless spending that decimated a surplus and led to the national debt, the creation of a mass surveillance state, and the erosion of our civil liberties.

In short, he is what directly led to Biden and the awful situation we find ourselves in now—Bush set the precedent.

He represents everything wrong with the establishment Republican Party, ‘neoconservatism’, and big government. He’s also the reason why we LOVE Trump.

Bush was clearly a military-industrial complex operative and he sold this country up the river to benefit defense contractors and corporate interests.

He started an illegal war under false pretenses that led to the deaths of countless U.S. soldiers, and, by some estimates, up to 1 million Iraqi civilians.

If I were George W. Bush, I wouldn’t show my face in public, but he’s back and has been making media appearances here and there since the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

As usual, he’s encouraging the escalation of conflict and playing his role as a warmonger…

However, during one of his televised media speeches he made one of the most telling Freudian slips I have ever seen:

Al Jazeera provided a transcript of the slip-up:

Instead, while criticising Russia’s political system, he said: “The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia, and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.

“I mean, of Ukraine,” he said quickly.

He then said “Iraq too” to laughter from the crowd.

The Guardian provided some examples of previous, notable Bush slip-ups:

There are whole books full of “Bushisms”, like his boast that people “misunderestimated” him, and how much he felt for single mothers “working hard to put food on your family”.

There may have been something Freudian about his 2004 warning that America’s enemies “never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we”.

And then there was the time he was thanking an army general for his service in 2008, telling him he “really snatched defeat out of the jaws of those who are trying to defeat us in Iraq”.


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