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MAJOR UPDATE: Rachel Chandler Tied To Balenciaga?


I said earlier today that it feels like not only are multiple major stories all coming together and intersecting with each other, but they’re on a crash course and about to collapse the entire system under their own weight.

FTX, Ukraine, Pedos, Money Laundering, Balenciaga, human trafficking, child trafficking, sex trafficking, open borders, the Biden Regime, RINO Republicans, 10% for the Big Guy, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Les Wexner, Epstein Island, Jeffrey Epstein….

Are they ALL connected?

It’s looking more and more likely.

Here’s the latest major connection to surface.

Rachel Chandler.

You might recognize that name, but for those who don’t I will fill you in.

She is most famous for this picture with Bill Clinton which is rumored to be from Jeffrey Epstein’s plane on the way to/from the infamous Epstein Island:

Chandler has been mentioned frequently in Q posts.

I want to be clear right upfront that no guilt on behalf of Chandler has ever been admitted or found by a court, and we want to make that clear.

It is also unclear if she was a victim, participant or perhaps both.  Or perhaps neither.

But speculation is running wild online…

Here is a reference to the Q Drop involving Chandler:

Many believe Chandler played a role perhaps procuring girls for Epstein Island:

Others believe “Chandler” is not even her real name, but instead an alias giving homage to Child+Handler.

If true, that’s sick stuff:

And now come reports that Chandler is connected to Balenciaga:

The Chandler / Balenciaga is confirmed by

“It’s not like pink hair, it’s an entirely new way of looking at people,” says Walter Pearce. He’s explaining a shift in casting practices that began with brands like Hood By Air and Eckhaus Latta in New York and has since spread to every level of the fashion industry. It’s a shift towards what Walter calls “weird in a good way,” away from “the female beauty standard that’s so aggressively all over New York.” And it’s partly what led to a centuries-old brand like Balenciaga sending artists and DJs down its runways this year.

This summer, Walter and photographer Rachel Chandler founded Midland, a new kind of modeling and casting agency to support this new kind of model. Their goal is to make sure the Instagram- and street-cast students, skate kids, and club kids that brands now covet for their subcultural capital get work and get paid, while maintaining their sanity and sense of fun.

“We talked about how drastic the shift in casting has been over the last few years. How a lot of students or artists are modeling now, because they have a look that’s desirable, but they’re not represented,” explains Rachel. “And if you’re unrepresented, you often end up underpaid. So Midland has two parts: it’s a casting agency but we’re also a model agency.”

Rachel and Walter currently represent 16 models, in addition to casting and consulting for brands including Junya Watanabe, Eckhaus Latta, and Hood By Air. “I think so far, the greatest compliment anyone gave me was from a friend who’s not in the industry,” says Rachel, “They told me, ‘When I look at the roster, I want to know more about each person. I want to know who they are.”

Rai, one of Midland’s models, went to Walter’s high school in upstate New York. He is over six foot tall, with the luminous skin, long hair, and slightly angular upturned nose of an anime character. “Right when I started casting, he was on my mind,” Walter says. “But I think I hadn’t developed my style enough, I wasn’t confident enough, to know that he was actually so strong.”

Walter, now 21, began his career during his sophomore year in high school. He interned at DIS magazine at 14, before a mutual friend introduced him to Shayne Oliver of Hood By Air. At 16, he started interning with Oliver (who he now refers to as “my mother”), and assisted the brand with casting. He helped oversee the street casting for Oliver’s beautifully twisted scholastic spring/summer 16 show, flying over two guys he’d met in LA, with faces covered in tattoos. And this past September, working as Midland, he oversaw Hood By Air’s show casting for the first time. Rai walked in a white shirt with straight-jacket-like sleeves, his hair and forehead wet with a half-inch-thick layer of Vaseline.

“Only when we were forming Midland was I like, ‘Wait a minute, this kid is so sick,'” Walter says. “It’s so funny knowing the context, that he went to this little high school upstate, because now of course we have a totally different relationship.”

“The whole thing’s super personal to us, and as a result the relationships are super personal,” Walter continues. He says that Guy, another model who was a Hood By Air exclusive this past season, is like a little brother to him. He sometimes goes to Walter’s house for dinner, he texts him on his birthday. “We basically shattered this idea that enjoying modeling and getting work are mutually exclusive. That’s been the standard up to this point, for real.”

“The other thing that’s been really cool is that the agency’s two parts feed each other,” says Rachel. Rachel works with Eckhaus Latta year round, and through the brand’s open casting calls on Instagram she met two people she ended up signing with Midland. “Another boy we have on our roster, I was eating in a sushi restaurant on Avenue A and was literally mid-bite when I saw him walk by. I ran out and my friend thought I was completely insane. But I signed him and he did the Helmut Lang [campaign] I just cast.”

Like Walter, Rachel has a sought-after eye for spotting talent in unlikely places, a knack she honed through her work as a photographer. In March she helped curate the lineup for Demna Gvsalia’s fall/winter 16 Balenciaga show. “The casting director was a friend of a friend and he needed help,” she explains. “I suggested a few people for them and they ended up taking all of my suggestions! So I thought, ‘Ok, I must be good at this.'”

According to other reports from Oli London, Chandler runs a talent agency which procured many of the models for the Balenciaga photo shoot in question.

More on that below if you missed the original story (this will blow your mind).

So is Chandler connected?

Many say so:

Here is a portion of the photo shoot in question….

Very troubling:

Here is Oli London’s report on Rumble:

And here’s a longer clip:

Meanwhile…Balenciaga has gone into damage control mode.

They have denied all liability and claimed the photographer acted without their knowledge, and they’re now suing:

Many people online are not buying the lawsuit and claim it’s only window dressing for damage control:

Here’s what Kim Kardashian just posted and people don’t seem to be buying it:

And now, if you missed the original story or want more details on why there is so much outrage, keep reading (but do so at your own risk, this is sick and very disturbing):

Huge Child-Sex Scandal Unfolding With Balenciaga?

This story comes with TWO serious warnings…

Warning 1: much of what you are about to see and read is gross and sick and involves the (apparent) abuse or sexualization of children.  Read at your own risk.

Warning 2: nothing has been proven and we are simply reporting on what is going viral on Twitter.  Draw your own conclusions.  All parties remain innocent until proven guilty or admitting guilt.  

Ok, you’ve been warned.

Now let’s dig in…

So apparently there is a company out there called Balenciaga.

I have to admit, I have never heard of them before.

I know I cover the news, but not the news of high end fashion.

Apparently, this Balenciaga is part of Kering Group which owns many high end brands:

And yesterday Balenciaga started trending…

Why are the trending?

For the worst reasons possible: child sexual abuse and exploitation.

At least, that’s the sentiment on Twitter.

You can make up your own mind…

Warning, you’re about to see some really gross stuff…

Let’s start here:

And then here:

Now let’s take a look at some of the pictures in question:

WTF is this?

Meanwhile, they dropped Kanye?


Kanye out, but this sick stuff is in?

Open homage to BAAL:

Who does this?

Right on to this guy:

It keeps getting worse:

Meanwhile, the “Fact Checkers” call it a conspiracy theory.

Does it look like a Conspiracy Theory to you?

What else did they put in the shoot?

A U.S. Supreme Court decision about child pornography.

Yes, really:

Just a coincidence, I’m sure…

It’s time we defend our children:

It gets worse…

Now let’s examine an “artist” and photographer the company seems to really like:

Is this art to you?

I’m not even going to embed this Tweet, you have to view it yourself on Twitter here:

This is art?

Oh of course, I remember those symbols:

Who thinks this is art?

This is SICK!

This is perverted:

Little boys with their arms torn off?



Oh, how charming:

This is not art, this is criminal:

Meanwhile, good point:

Tucker has been all over this:

Tucker and Candace:

If there was ever a company that needed to be cancelled, it’s this:

Meanwhile, they have attempted to apologize according to reports:

I don’t accept the apology.


Tucker had more…

Tucker Just Exposed The Pedo-Elite Live On The Air…

Free speech is starting to make a comeback…

I have famously said that just like a lion, you don’t need to defend the truth, you simply need to set it free and it will do the rest!

And we’re starting to see that play out in stunning fashion.

Truth is free again on Twitter…

And truth is even starting to be told on Fox News, thanks at least to Tucker Carlson.

Can you believe Tucker was able to air this tonight?

That’s just a one minute clip, but if you want more I have the full segment for you right here.

Watch on Rumble:

Is the narrative about to break wide open?

Remember Pizzagate?

I do!

It was real then and it’s real now.

Maybe that story will finally be told…

Keep reading:

Ben Swann Exposes The TRUTH About Pizzagate…Did You Know?

Ok folks, this is very serious.

I just came across this video created by Ben Swann and it is fantastic!

For those of you who are old enough to remember, THIS is what real journalism looks like.

Instead of taking the Talking Points from the owners of all the major media companies, he actually did his own investigation.

He looked into the question of “Is Pizzagate real?”

Is Pizzagate Fake News?

That’s all you hear on the MSM, isn’t it?

That it’s Fake?

That it’s a hoax?

That it’s only believed by lunatics?

Well, if that’s what you’ve heard or if that’s what you believe, then be prepared to have your mind opened up.

The MSM veil pulled off…..

I love the way he approaches this video.

He doesn’t tell you what to think.

He just presents the actual evidence.

The stuff the MSM refuses to cover.

He just gives you all the facts and I would challenge each and every one of you reading this to listen to the full video and then make your own decision.

What do you think?

Is all of this just a big coincidence?

Just people with overactive imaginations?

I think you’ll be hard-pressed to keep that opinion by the time you reach the end of the video.

This is so very important my friends.

Please watch and then share to help others wake up (and if the video gets deleted keep scrolling down for a backup):

Wouldn’t it be great if we had real journalism like this again?

THIS is why journalists are given such strong 1st Amendment protections.

Because this is important.

Our Founders never expected the Press to become as corrupt as it has become.

The Press was supposed to be a safeguard for the truth.

We need more guys like Ben Swann.

BOOKMARK IT: Check Out My New Site,!

Thank you Ben!

And because YouTube will almost surely delete that video soon, we made backups.

Here is Bitchute:

And another.

Here is Rumble:


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