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Kari Lake Not Giving Up: “I’m Still In This Fight!”


It’s not over until it’s over!

Despite the media declaring Katie Hobbs the victor in Arizona’s gubernatorial race, Kari Lake has NOT condeded.

That is right: Kari is still exploring all of her legal options.

In Kari’s words:

I’m still in this fight!

There are many legal challenges that Lake can bring forward.

While Lake’s campaign has remained silent on the specifics of these legal challenges, many observers are wondering if she’ll challenge Maricopa County, where voting machines were malfunctioning on election day.

Now, it appears that close to HALF of all machines in Maricopa were having issues.

Folks, Katie Hobbs presided over her own election.

If that doesn’t scream “conflict of interests” at you, then nothing will.

At the very least, independents and even Democrats should be able to admit that this isn’t a good look.

An independent, neutral party should always be in charge of managing the election.

Otherwise, how can you trust the results?

Red Voice Media has more details on Kari’s upcoming fight:

“When we called for Katie Hobbs to recuse herself over a year ago, they ridiculed us. It turns out we were right. The fox was guarding the henhouse. And because of that, voters have been disenfranchised,” stated Lake.

“Our election officials failed us miserably. What happened to Arizonans on Election Day is unforgivable … and we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done.”

We also encourage you to watch Kari Lake’s official statement on Rumble:

It couldn’t be clearer that voters were disenfranchised and turned away on election day.

This isn’t a matter of “our candidate vs. your candidate.”

This is a matter of all legal votes being counted equally.

When election day voters are met with broken machines, they can’t wait at the polling station all day.

They have to return to work.

They have to take care of their families.

Do these voters not deserve a voice?!

Kari Lake is still putting together a legal team.

She may be able to stop the certification of Arizona’s results.

To be clear, she has NOT conceded the race.

Instead, she is exploring every legal option available to contest the race.

Per Newsmax:

Republican Kari Lake put together a legal team and is planning to contest her loss in the gubernatorial race to Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat.

Lake made her comments in a video posted to her Twitter account on Thursday.

“I wanted to reach out to you to let you know that I am still in this fight with you,” she said. “For two years, I’ve been sounding the alarm about our broken election system here in Arizona. And this past week has confirmed everything we’ve been saying. Well, we called for Katie Hobbs to recuse herself over a year ago.

“They ridiculed us. It turns out we were right. The fox was guarding the hen house, and because of that, voters have been disenfranchised when we raise concerns.

“On Election Day, nearly half of all polling locations had problems. … What happened to Arizonans on Election Day is unforgivable. Tens of thousands of Maricopa County voters were disenfranchised. Now I’m busy here collecting evidence and data. Rest assured, I have assembled the best and brightest legal team and we are exploring every avenue to correct the many wrongs that have been done this past week.

“I’m doing everything in my power to right these wrongs. My resolve to fight for you is higher than ever.

“This fight to save our republic has just begun. I love you, Arizona. And I love you, America.”

Kari Lake has proven that just like President Trump, she is a FIGHTER!

Not for herself, but for the American people.

The fight has truly just began, and Kari needs our continued support!


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