It appears the Biden regime is trying to do the same game plan as last year…
Jean-Pierre was quoted saying “We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days.”
She would then follow up her comments by saying ” It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. That’s how this is supposed to work.”
Watch the moment she said it here:
Trending: REPORT: McConnell and Pelosi Now TEAMING UP To Block Any Challenge To Electoral College Votes!
Jean-Pierre: "We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. That's how this is supposed to work."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 7, 2022
It’s no longer election day in America but rather election week:
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: "We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days."
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 7, 2022
Previously democratic Pennsylvania Secretary of State stated: “We are not going to have election results on the same night”.
NPR shared these details:
Leigh M. Chapman, Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state, detailed how the state will handle vote counting in the upcoming election and said it will likely take several days until results are complete and certified.
Chapman held a virtual news conference which she said was an effort to prevent the spread of misinformation as the Nov. 8 election day approaches.
There will possibly be a delay in reporting election results given that Pennsylvania does not allow pre-canvassing of mail-in ballots.
The state is working with the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security following reports of threats on Pennsylvania’s elections. Voters are encouraged to return mail-in ballots as soon as possible.
“It’s really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania,” Chapman said. “So voters and the public know that when there are delays in counting, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything nefarious happening. It’s just what the law is in Pennsylvania.”
New @PostVideo exclusive:
Acting Pennsylvania Secretary of State Leigh Chapman told The Post in a recent interview that the state expects to have unofficial results from the 2022 midterm elections days after Election Day on Nov. 8.
— JM Rieger (@RiegerReport) October 31, 2022
We’ve been sounding the alarm all week…
LATEST PSYOP: It Will Take “Days” To Count The Votes…
If you’ve been paying attention recently, you’ve spotted a new psyop the MSM and Big Tech and Big Media is trying to push…
Have you seen it?
It’s this: HEADS UP, it will likely take “multiple days” to count all the votes after the Midterm Elections.
Here’s the banner they keep running on Twitter, have you seen it?
Ummm…question: does anyone else remember it ever taking "multiple days" to count the votes other than 2020 and the "hanging chads" of 2000?
Any other examples?
I always remember same-day results.
— (@DailyNoahNews) November 2, 2022
But people are waking up…
Like this dude:
Biden already out telling people it may take days to count ballots. This doesn’t happen in accurate and transparent elections. That happens in stolen elections!
— CryptoBull (@CryptoBull2020) November 5, 2022
Wise man.
Never in my life do I remember it taking “multiple days” to count election results, except for two times:
ONE: the “hanging chads” of the 2000 election in Florida.
TWO: the 2000 Mules hijacking the 2020 stolen election.
No other examples come to mind.
How about you?
In fact, as our technology has theoretically gotten better, the results and time to count has gotten worse?
Does that make any sense?
No, sorry…not buying it.
The only reason they need so much extra time now is because they know the American people have turned against them.
We want Trump.
We want Lake.
And the victories are growing so large and overwhelming that they need increasingly more and more time to figure out how to cheat and steal it.
It’s getting exponentially harder as the mainstream uprising grows bigger.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s Biden telling you flat out what they intend to do:
Biden Tells Americans Several Races Will be Called Days After Election (WATCH)
On Wednesday, Joe Biden used the Office of the President to smear Republicans days before the 2022 midterm elections.
Biden attacked President Trump, Republicans, and MAGA supporters.
Biden’s closing remarks included: “There are over 300 election deniers on the ballot this year. This is not about me. It’s about all of us.”
At one point during his speech, Biden warned Americans that it will take several days to call elections.
There’s no excuse for results not being available on election night.
Joe Biden told Americans to be patient waiting for results.
Joe Biden: “You know that many states don’t start counting ballots until after the polls close on November 8th. That means in some cases we won’t know the winner in the election for a few days, until a few days after the election. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. It’s always been important for citizens in a democracy to be engaged. Now it’s important for citizens to be patient.”
Will Democrats attempt to steal this election?
Watch via Rumble:
Tucker Carlson responded:
Tucker: "Here's Joe Biden telling you that thanks to the many changes Democrats have made to our system of voting, we may not know the results of the elections for a few days. But don't be alarmed. And whatever you do, do not ask questions, or else you're a criminal."
— American Firebrand (@AmFirebrand) November 3, 2022
Pennsylvania already warned of delays counting midterm votes.
Watch Joe Biden's full speech below:
Meanwhile, it's not only Biden.
Here's what Twitter (yes, even under Elon Musk) is pushing on their site.
Ummm...question: does anyone else remember it ever taking "multiple days" to count the votes other than 2020 and the "hanging chads" of 2000?
Any other examples?
I always remember same-day results.
— (@DailyNoahNews) November 2, 2022
Does anyone ever remember this happening before?
Other than 2000 and the "hanging chads", do you ever remember an election taking "days to call" before they stole 2020?
Me either.
Don't fall for the BS!
And they're already telling you PA is going to be a shitshow...
Because they know Fetterneck has no chance of winning on his own:
Here We Go Again! Pennsylvania Secretary of State Warns of 'Delays' Counting Midterm Votes
Just one day after 15 Pennsylvania House Republicans sent a letter to acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman demanding to know why 240,000 unverified ballots had been mailed out, Chapman revealed there will likely be delays posting the results after the midterm elections.
The letter states:
According to the DoS data, as of October 21,2022, a staggering 240,000 ballots ore "NOT VERIFIED". That is an enormous number of ballots which, according to the low, must be set side and not counted for the 2022 General Election unless the voter produces ID.
"It's really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania," Chapman said during a virtual conference.
"It would likely take 'several days' to count and certify the votes," she added.
"So voters and the public know that when there are delays in counting, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything nefarious happening. It’s just what the law is in Pennsylvania."
And Pennsylvania voters are supposed to take her word for it?
BREAKING: New PA Secretary of State warns of ‘delays’ in counting midterm votes
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 26, 2022
Zero Hedge reported:
According to Chapman, the delays would be attributed to poll workers not being able to pre-canvas, or count mail-in ballots prior to election day.
She also encouraged voters to go ahead and send in their ballots, contrary to Republican messaging which urged voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots and turn them in to their local board of elections on election day - which Chapman said could (somehow) cause voters to become disenfranchised.
"We have heard that there’s messaging out there in Pennsylvania, as far as instructing voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots," she said, adding "As part of our voter education campaign, we encourage voters to request that mail-in ballot now and return it as soon as possible. We don’t want voters to delay."
Chapman took the opportunity to convey concerns she says stem from 'misinformation' - threats to interrupt voting and calls to delay the sending of mail-in ballots.
While she didn’t detail a specific incident, Chapman said there have been reports of threats aimed at the voting process throughout the state. She promised that her office has worked to investigate any threat made toward a free and fair election.
“Since I’ve been in office in January, we have constantly met with the FBI and Homeland Security just to talk through what the current threat landscape is and tools that we can give our counties to make sure that they have physical security protection as well as cyber security protection,” she said.
“So it’s been great to partner with both the federal and state law enforcement organizations. We are in constant communication with them and it’s a situation that we are monitoring,” Chapman added. -Lehigh Valley News
According to Chapman, over 1.2 million mail-in ballots have been requested across the state, and 43% - or 556,000, have been returned.
So does that mean that nearly 25% of mail-in ballots sent out were unverified?
The Post Millennial added:
In response to comments that voters should hold onto their mail-in ballots and turn them in to their local board of election on election day, Chapman urged voters not to delay in sending them in.
"We have heard that there’s messaging out there in Pennsylvania, as far as instructing voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots," she said. "As part of our voter education campaign, we encourage voters to request that mail-in ballot now and return it as soon as possible. We don’t want voters to delay."
Two races being closely watched in the state are the race for governor, with Republican Doug Mastriano and Democrat Josh Shapiro vying for the position, and the race for senate, with Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Mehmet Oz running against each other.
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