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Child Suddenly Collapses During Live Press Conference


In Australia, a child suddenly collapsed during a press conference to announce a new $15 million sponsor for Netball Australia.

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews attended the press conference, which came to a sudden halt when the child collapsed.


Here’s a Rumble backup:

Daily Mail reported:

A press conference to announce a new $15million sponsor for Netball Australia has taken a dramatic turn, with Victorian Premier Dan Andrews rushing to the aid of a child who appeared to have collapsed.

Andrews was announcing that the Victorian government had stepped in to sponsor the organisation, after mining magnate Gina Rinehart withdrew $15million worth of funding over the sport’s racism scandal.

Under-siege Netball Australia CEO Kelly Ryan was talking about what the funding would mean for the sport and its junior pathways before a loud thud was heard behind her.

A junior player appeared to have fainted, and both Andrews and Ryan rushed to the young girl’s aide as the press conference was brought to an abrupt halt.

A woman could then be seen hugging and comforting the young girl, who appeared to be traumatised.


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