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Australian Poll Shows How Many Regret Being Vaccinated and Unvaccinated


More than 50,000 people participated in a poll on Australia’s COVID-19 response and jab rollout.

“And there’s one striking result,” said

After a day of voting, each question received more than 42,000 responses.

Some questions surpassed 50,000 responses.

Before posting more results from the poll, let’s find out what the ‘one striking result’ appears to be.

Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision.

Am I surprised?

Absolutely NOT!


After overcoming medical discrimination, segregation, vaccine mandates, authoritarian regimes, societal ridicule, media manipulation, and damaged relationships, no unvaccinated individual regretted his or her choice.

They resisted the experimental gene therapy against all odds and survived the greatest psychological warfare in modern human history. wrote:

More than half of respondents either said they regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision.

Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again.

Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision.

One fifth of respondents said they had received two doses of a vaccine, 26 per cent had three and 16 per cent had four shots, while 37 per cent said they had not taken any vaccine.


According to Health Department data, more than 20 million Australians have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, or more than 95 per cent of the over-16 population.

An overwhelming majority of respondents said they were no longer concerned about Covid and no longer wore masks in public settings.

Half of respondents said they caught Covid, with 6 per cent of those catching it more than once, while 40 per cent said they never did.

Meanwhile, more than two thirds of respondents said Australia‘s leaders had been too heavy-handed in the pandemic response, 25 per cent said they did they best they could, and 8 per cent said as well as any other country.

Watch via Rumble courtesy of Red Voice Media:


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