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Megyn Kelly Announces Sister Died Suddenly


Megyn Kelly said on her podcast on Monday that her older sister, Suzanne Crossley, died of a heart attack on Friday.

“Something really sad happened in my family over the weekend,” Kelly explained as her voice started cracking during her SiriusXM podcast on Monday.

“My sister died,” Kelly said.

“She was 58. Her name was Suzanne Crossley and she died Friday suddenly of a heart attack.”

Kelly said her sister “hasn’t been in very good health the past couple of years.”

“It’s just been sort of like one problem after another,” Kelly said.

“So it was sudden and unexpected.”

The New York Post reported:

Kelly said that after she heard the news on Friday, she went to spend time with her mother, Linda Kelly, and her other siblings.

“It was really hard,” Kelly recalled. “It was extremely emotional.”

“As all moms and dads out there know, this is not the order in which this is supposed to happen,” she said.

Kelly said she plans to spend more time with her family after the podcast on Monday.

Crossley’s funeral is scheduled for Tuesday, according to her sister.

Kelly told her listeners on Monday that she considered not doing her show on Monday in light of the family tragedy.

“But for me, it’s better to be here,” she said of her decision to broadcast her show as scheduled.

“Maybe you can relate, but it’s more cathartic to work.”

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Doing the podcast “gave me a couple of hours where I can take my mind off of it,” according to Kelly.

Daily Caller added:

“As all moms and dads out there know, this is not the order in which this is supposed to happen,” Kelly said, noting she planned to talk about her sister more during a later podcast episode this week.

Kelly said she’s not “very good” at sending a text or returning a call but her sister’s death served as a wake up call.

“So it’s a big reminder to me at how fleeting things can be and how we get upset over s*it that doesn’t matter.”



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