CEO of MyPillow Mike Lindell took atri[ to attend Trump’s rally in Robstown, Texas.
Throughout the day Lindell was interviewed by several news networks such as RSBN and the Post Millenial.
While talking to the Post Milelnial Lindell talked about Steve Bannon who has just been sentenced to 4 months in prison for contempt of Congress.
Lindell told the reporter that Steve Bannon is one of the most courageous Americans.
Lindell would, later on, join RSBN and predict that Sheriffs and Judges will bring back American election integrity:
Lindell is a stand-up guy.
You very rarely see him in pictures not smiling and his smile isn’t fake either but rather a smile that depicts he has a lot of joy within.
Lindell is an outspoken Christian so it’s quite obvious that “the joy of the Lord is his strength.”
During the recent Hurricane in Florida, he even took the time to donate pillows and he handed them out personally:

Want to help but don’t know how?
I am calling for EVERYONE reading this to stop what you’re doing and help us…
It’s easy.
From big to small, it doesn’t take much if we all pitch in.
Here are the details…
A Call To Action: Can We Count On You?
Hi friends, Noah here and I’m wondering if you can help out with something?
It’s this weekend only, so don’t sleep on this…ok?
It’s a win-win-win and I think it’s the perfect mission for us this weekend.
Here’s the deal…
As always, Mike Lindell can use our support now more than ever, after the FBI raided him and took his phone a few weeks ago while he was trying to order dinner at Hardees.
Yes, really.
FBI Surrounded Mike Lindell At Hardee’s
So I love doing all we can to support Mike...but that's just Win #1.
I've got two more for you.
First, I can get you up to 90% off products from MyPillow -- this weekend only.
Literally almost free, just pay shipping.
That's Win #2.
But here's where it gets really exciting...
Win #3 is something that really gets me pumped up.
Winter is coming, and local homeless shelters have a constant need for sheets, pillows and bath towels.
When was the last time you donated to one of those organizations?
And I don't mean the old stuff in your closet that's been used and you no longer like.
I mean something brand new!
Something that would bless these people who need help.
No, I don't like giving $20 to people begging on the side of the road. Because I don't know where that money is going. I don't know if they truly need help or are just going to spend it on booze or drugs.
But a local homeless shelter that is well run?
I love helping them out!
I know a lot of people who read this website are well off.
I also know many of us have all the pillows, sheets and bath towels that we need.
But how much could you buy (at 90% off!) and then donate to people in need?
How much would that bless them?
Imagine walking in with a set of 10 brand new towels, a couple packs of super soft sheets, 20 brand new pillows still in the package?
How many lives would you change?
I'm challenging everyone reading this to go over to right now and take advantage of the 90% off and do something generous to bless the people in your community who need it the most!
Links to everything below...
First up is a new product from Mike: His Featherbed Topper - with promo code WLT, it's 60% off this weekend:

Lots of men's clothing, including athletic t-shirts, are 80% off, so get them before they're gone!
Remember to use promo code WLT to get your discount.

A lot of us already have Mike's towel set.
Now you can get extra single bath towels in different colors -- for only $12.49:

Remember to use promo code WLT to get your discount!

Mike has said, "As you know, my passion has always been to help each and every one of you get the best sleep of your life. That’s why I created my new Duvets. I started by using the world’s best cotton called Giza, grown only in a region between the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River. It's long staple cotton makes it ultra-soft and breathable."
When you get to checkout, look for this box:

You'll get your discount and support Mike Lindell and We Love Trump.
Hurry before these great deals are gone.
And THANK YOU to everyone who jumps in to help with our call to action this weekend!
You can be the difference in someone's life...perhaps dozens of lives!

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