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Newsmax Cuts Ties With Broadcaster For EXPOSING The Elite


News max has just cut off all ties with broadcast journalist Lara Logan.

The split is due to the fact that Newsmax didn’t like Logan saying the cabal  “want us eating insects” while they “dine on the blood of children”.

Newsmax in response would say that the network condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan.

Newsmax dropped more details:

Newsmax has cut ties with former broadcast journalist turned conservative pundit Lara Logan for comments she made on the network suggesting there was a global conspiracy among world leaders to harm children.

While appearing on Eric Bolling’s evening program on the small conservative cable network, Logan spoke of what she said is a cabal of world leaders that “want us eating insects” while they “dine on the blood of children.”

“God believes in sovereignty and national identity and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants,” Logan said.

“And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us. … You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not going to win. They’re not going to win.”

Newsmax, in a statement to The Hill on Friday morning, said it “condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan” and said that the channel has “no plans to interview her again.”

The Guardian added these details(disregard the liberal bias):

The rightwing US TV network Newsmax said it had no plans to interview Lara Logan again, after the award-winning war correspondent turned rightwing pundit launched a QAnon-tinged tirade on air. Speaking to host Eric Bolling, Logan said “the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world” and claimed world leaders drank children’s blood.

QAnon is a pro-Trump conspiracy theory which holds that leading liberal figures in US and world politics are, among other things, secretly murderous pedophiles.

Logan told Bolling: “God believes in sovereignty and national identity and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time.

“And he knows that the open [southern US] border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his servants.

“And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us … You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not going to win. They’re not going to win.”

It appears Newsmax has never heard about Hollywood elites using young people’s blood to look younger.

It’s not even a conspiracy Newsweek brought it to the mainstream media back in 2021:

But…was she right?

Let’s keep reading.


Ben Swann Exposes The TRUTH About Pizzagate…Did You Know?

Ok folks, this is very serious.

I just came across this video created by Ben Swann and it is fantastic!

For those of you who are old enough to remember, THIS is what real journalism looks like.

Instead of taking the Talking Points from the owners of all the major media companies, he actually did his own investigation.

He looked into the question of “Is Pizzagate real?”

Is Pizzagate Fake News?

That’s all you hear on the MSM, isn’t it?

That it’s Fake?

That it’s a hoax?

That it’s only believed by lunatics?

Well, if that’s what you’ve heard or if that’s what you believe, then be prepared to have your mind opened up.

The MSM veil pulled off…..

I love the way he approaches this video.

He doesn’t tell you what to think.

He just presents the actual evidence.

The stuff the MSM refuses to cover.

He just gives you all the facts and I would challenge each and every one of you reading this to listen to the full video and then make your own decision.

What do you think?

Is all of this just a big coincidence?

Just people with overactive imaginations?

I think you’ll be hard-pressed to keep that opinion by the time you reach the end of the video.

This is so very important my friends.

Please watch and then share to help others wake up (and if the video gets deleted keep scrolling down for a backup):

Wouldn’t it be great if we had real journalism like this again?

THIS is why journalists are given such strong 1st Amendment protections.

Because this is important.

Our Founders never expected the Press to become as corrupt as it has become.

The Press was supposed to be a safeguard for the truth.

We need more guys like Ben Swann.

Thank you Ben!

And because YouTube will almost surely delete that video soon, we made backups.

Here is Bitchute:

And another.

Here is Rumble:

And Part 2 here:

PART 2 (Pizzagate Investigation): “Out Of Shadows”

Welcome to Part 2 of our series covering Pizzagate and “is it real?”

In case you missed Part 1, you can see it here:  Ben Swann Exposes The TRUTH About Pizzagate….Is It Real?

That article became one of the most viewed articles of all time on WeLoveTrump and so many of you wrote me asking me to cover more so that’s why I am bringing you Part 2.

But before we get to the new stuff, I’m going to include the video from Part 1 below in case you missed it.

And now we have Part 2.

If the video above opened your eyes, then be prepared to jump head first into so much more.

Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, journalist, political pundit and an advocate for sex crime victims. Her work has appeared in the RedEye Edition of the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times: Splash, Townhall, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and Us Weekly.

She attended the University of Iowa studying political science and journalism. While there, she was an organizer for Students for Bush, a large organization supporting the George W. Bush 2000 presidential campaign. She later interned at the U.S. State Department during Bush’s first term and for conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly’s show The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News.

In short, she’s a REAL journalist.

But when she started digging into the world of child sex trafficking and started really connecting the dots and exposing some very powerful people, she was suddenly fired from her job and ostracized from the industry.

How interesting, isn’t it?

But the good news is in today’s world we don’t need the big corporations anymore.

We don’t need to become a reporter on NBC Nightly News in order to get the truth out.

ANY of us can do our own investigations and create our own videos and get the truth out…..

And that’s exactly what she did with the documentary Out of Shadows.

It’s not officially “Part 2” of the video above, but it could be.

So if you wanted more and wanted to really understand what’s truly going on with the people who run our world, this is the video for you.

PLEASE help me get the word out and wake up more people by sharing this article and video with your family and friends.


And because YouTube wants to hide the truth, I have backup versions for you…

Bitchute does not delete videos and still stands for Freedom of Speech so I have two backups of this video on Bitchute if the YouTube video gets deleted.

Backup #2:

If you found this enlightening, please SHARE!


READER POLL: Do You Think Pizzagate Is/Was Real?


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