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CALL TO ACTION: CDC Recommends All Children Be Given C-19 Vaccine For School!

This is a red alert!


🚨 Red alert!  Red alert! 🚨

This is an urgent call for action for all parents….

Heck, even for non-parents who just love kids and want them to be safe!

Do you remember when COVID only affected elderly people?

That’s how it all started in 2020.

The only people at high risk were the elderly or people with deficient immune systems.

Kids were deemed to have “super immunity”.

Actually, kids under 10 were almost impervious to getting COVID.

Does anyone else remember this?

I do!

What happened to all of that?

I’ll tell you what happened….

Their plan to “thin the herd” didn’t work and so the “elite” had to recalculate their plans.

Suddenly, they had to shift COVID to now impact everyone!

If it didn’t affect the kids, then they had to re-frame it to say the kids could be CARRIERS!

Ahhhh…that was the ticket!

Kids might not get sick, but they could transmit it and then kill Grandma.

Or Grandpa.

So many lies.

So much bullshit.

But alas, I don’t make the rules, I just report on it.

And that’s where we’re at today.

So from 2020 when kids were essentially 100% immune to COVID, now I bring you the latest update where the CDC just took action today to MANDATE that the COVID shot be added to the childhood vaccination schedule.

You know what that means, right?

It means, MILLIONS of kids will be forced to take the vaccine now just to attend school.

Unless you’re wealthy enough to do private school.

This is pure evil.

Take a look here, as reported by Kyle Becker:

And by Tucker Carlson:

It’s real, folks!

And it’s happening right now, right under your noses!

Will anyone step up?

Will anyone speak out?

Will anyone stop this?

Well, 31,000 public comments were received AGAINST this move, but they didn’t care:

Didn’t listen to a single one.

Can you sue if you or your children get injured?


Kyle Becker had a phenomenal report on his Substack…please read here:

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) held its vote to add Covid-19 shots to its childhood vaccination schedule on Wednesday.

The ACIP panel voted unanimously 15-0 for the CDC to recommend that children get the Covid-19 vaccines and boosters. The CDC is now almost certain to add the Covid shots to its ‘Childhood Vaccines Schedule’ in a vote tomorrow. Schools often rely upon the schedule to mandate ‘vaccines’ in order to attend public school.

Not a signle one of the ACIP panel members voiced their objection to the controversial measure.

The CDC’s ACIP panel votes 15-0 to recommend Covid shots be added to the childhood vaccination schedule. There wasn’t a single objection for miniscule risk to healthy kids. No objection over natural immunity. No objection over adverse events. NONE. The vote was *unanimous.*🔻
The CDC earlier opened up its scheduled vote for public comment and received fierce blowback. Tens of thousands of comments poured into the CDC, the great majority seemingly in direct opposition to the vote to add the Covid vaccines to the childhood schedule. You can read more comments and add your own here.
🚩 Despite public outcry of more than 31K public comments on CDC’s website, despite hundreds of experts warning of serious risks—CDC claimed benefits outweigh risks and VOTED to add C•19 mRNA the VFC program. Tomorrow they will vote to add it to children immunization schedule.
ACIP’s decision to add the Covid shots is based on hidden data and in defiance of the minute Covid risk factors for healthy children, particularly for healthy children who have natural immunity due to a prior infection. In the United States, there is near-universal antibody seroprevalence due to prior infection. The Covid shots have known adverse events. It is a scientific fact that they do not stop the spread of the virus.

As Dr. Marty Makary, a Johns Hopkins medical professor, recently said on Tucker Carlson’s show about the childhood Covid vax vote: “There has never been a vaccine added to the child immunization schedule without solid clinical evidence that reduces disease significantly in the community. The Covid vaccine in children will be the first, it will be added with no clinical data. And many of us that are saying, ‘Hey, let’s see the data.’ We’re basically told, ‘Stop asking questions’.”

The CDC panel’s vote also comes amidst the Moderna CEO admitting that Covid is now essentially “like the flu.” There are no mandatory annual childhood flu vaccinations and Covid was never more of a risk to healthy young children than the seasonal flu.

The committee’s decision will be highly consequential not only for the children who will be subjected to a long-term regime of mRNA shots for Covid-19, regardless of their risk factors or known adverse effects, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, but it will be a boon to pharmaceutical companies that are seeking liability protection once-and-for-all for the Covid shots.

As pointed out by Robert Kennedy Jr., who runs the Children’s Health Defense, and who has a track record of opposing various vaccines, the real agenda at play here is to ensure Big Pharma can never be sued over the Covid shots.

🚩 CDC is trying to quietly include a vote to add the mRNA C•19 vaccine to the annual childhood immunization schedule. This vote takes place in 2 days on October 19th. Here’s why this matters:

“So they’re never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine, without getting liability protection,” Kennedy Jr. said in a clip on Mikhaila Peterson’s podcast. “And now, the Emergency Use Authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and the CARES Act. So as long as… you take an emergency use, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue ’em, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get it, liability protection. Even if an adult gets that vaccine. That’s why they’re going after kids.”

Meanwhile, the spin machine is in FULL force trying to claim “ohhhhhh that’s not true”…

The BS from these people is off the charts:

From Forbes:

Before you make a claim about what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is going to do, maybe, just maybe, you should look at what the CDC can and can’t actually do. On October 18, FOX News host Tucker Carlson claimed on a tweet that “The CDC is about to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule, which would make the vax mandatory for kids to attend school.” Yet, the CDC clearly states on its website that “State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children.” And the CDC, by the way, ain’t one of the 50 states in the U.S.

On the tweet, Carlson included a video of himself from his FOX News show named after himself “Tucker Carlson Tonight” essentially making the same claim:

As you can see in the video, Carlson began the segment with, “So here’s an amazing story that’s been effectively buried.” Whoa. Buried? By whom and for what reason? And buried in what? In cheese? Carlson did not really specify any of these but went on to say, “This week the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is expected to add the Covid-19 vax to the list of required childhood vaccines. If this happens, your children will not be able to attend school without taking the Covid shot.” The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is indeed meeting on October 18 and 19 in a virtual meeting that can be viewed on a webcast. The agenda does include a discussion about “Covid-19 vaccines in children.” The ACIP develops recommendations on the use vaccines that in turn are forwarded to CDC’s Director and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for approval. Once approved, these recommendations will be published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). The ACIP consists of public health, medical, and scientific experts external to the CDC.

While Carlson may be a number of things, he is neither a medical, public health, or scientific expert nor a lawyer. A number of real medical doctors, scientists, and other relevant experts pointed out the clear problems with Carlson’s statement. For example, Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, wrote, “Actually, the CDC clearly says that ‘state laws establish vaccination requirements’ and Fox News knows this. Guessing just another antivaccine dog whistle for their ratings,” in the following tweet:

In his tweet, Hotez thanked @doritmi, who is Dorit Reiss, LLB, PhD, a Professor of Law at the University Of California (UC) Hastings School of Law and expert in these law-ish kind of things, for alerting him to Carlson’s claim.

Later in his tweet thread, Hotez offered something that wasn’t in the Tucker tweet: verifiable official sources supporting what he was saying, in this case, links to CDC websites. Onc of these websites clearly indicates that, “State laws establish vaccination requirements for school children. These laws often apply not only to children attending public schools but also to those attending private schools and day care facilities.”

So does that make what Carlson tweeted a “swing and a mis,” as in misinformation? Well, Tara C. Smith, PhD, a Professor of Epidemiology at the Kent State University College of Public Health, used the word “misinformation” in the following tweet about Carlson’s tweet:

So with a number of real experts out there who have had many research publications on vaccines and infectious diseases, whom did Carlson bring on to his show segment as a guest? Well, he gave some air time to Martin Makary, M.D., M.P.H., a Professor of Surgery at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and whose stated areas of expertise on the Johns Hopkins website are things like abdominal surgery, advanced laparoscopy, bile duct surgery, pancreatic surgery, and various other pancreas and gall bladder related procedures. So not exactly respiratory viruses like the Covid-19 coronavirus because your pancreas is not connected directly to your nose. At least, it shouldn’t be.

So did this air time turn out to be hot air time? Well, in the video, Makary made some pretty strong statements without providing much evidence to support them. For example, he asserted that “the CDC’s committee that’s voting, I mean, that it is essentially a kangaroo court, you have to be an official ‘card-carrying vaccine fanatic’ to be on that committee. If you are not then they are basically not going to accept that some vaccines are important and others lack the evidence to support broad distribution.”

Wow. Presumably by “kangaroo court,” Makary didn’t mean a court of actual kangaroos, which would be weird and fascinating at the same time. defines a “kangaroo court” as a “self-appointed or mob-operated tribunal that disregards or parodies existing principles of law or human rights, especially one in a frontier area or among criminals in prison.” Hmm, isn’t calling the ACIP a “kangaroo court” jumping like a kangaroo to conclusions about the ACIP without providing real supporting evidence? And who exactly is an official “card-carrying vaccine fanatic” and who is making such cards? Makary also mentioned a German study without clearly describing the study, pointing out its strengths and limitations, or providing enough information so that viewers could find the study themselves.

There certainly have been plenty of problems with the Covid-19 response from the CDC, the Biden Administration, and the Trump Administration. Throughout the pandemic, communications and policies have often been very inconsistent. For example, the CDC relaxed their face mask recommendations in the Spring of 2021 and then again in the Spring of 2022 despite scientific studies showing the value of face masks in preventing transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and other countries like Japan maintaining greater face mask use. In the Summertime of both years, Covid-19 surges in the U.S. soon followed. Plus, in a number of situations, the Biden and Trump Administrations could have done more to push Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to publicly release more of their Covid-19 vaccine data earlier.

But suggesting that the CDC will be somehow making the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory for all kids to attend school around the U.S. and calling the ACIP a “kangaroo court” would be leaping way too far in a way that may court even more problems for our society. It could leave the very wrong impression that the CDC is somehow a dictatorial organization when the opposite may have been the case during the pandemic. Public health experts and scientists have raised concerns that the CDC has continued to bend way too much to political pressure and prematurely relaxed Covid-19 precautions.

So here’s the truth…

This is the same committee that told you the C19 poison vaxx would prevent transmission….

That was proven FALSE.

Here’s what ABC reports:

On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is meeting with vaccine advisors scheduled to vote on adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the Vaccines for Kids program.

VFC is a federal program that helps provide vaccines to children whose parents or guardians may not be able to afford them.

On Tuesday, Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, tweeted this:

Ladapo implied the CDC would be voting on adding the COVID-19 vaccine to routine childhood immunizations.

However, what the CDC is voting on, on Wednesday, is about making the COVID-19 vaccine more affordable for families, should they choose to vaccinate their child.

The CDC vote is scheduled for 3:50 p.m.

So, who can you trust?

I like Doug Mastriano, who said this:

Folks….it’s time to rise up!

It’s time to fight back.

The final line of defense is our kids.

They want to jab our kids in order for them to go to some piece of shit public school where they’ll just be indoctrinated by woke bullshit?

Enough is enough.

Time to cut the cord.

Time to say we’re done.

Will you help us to fight back?

This is a step too far….

Peacefully of course.

Even though some of these people probably deserve to be roasted on a spic, we do not advocate for violence.

We advocate for truth, honesty, safety for our kids, and integrity.

More on that here in case there is any confusion:

ALERT: We Do Not Support Calls For Violence, But Beware…

Hi friends,

Noah here with a special Public Service Announcement.

I think you’re going to like this one and I’d sure love to hear from you in the comments after you read it.

Our mission here at WeLoveTrump is to research and print the truth, wherever we may find it.

The truth the MSM likes to ignore…

The truth the MSM likes to cover up…

The truth the MSM likes to twist.

We correct the record and just like a lion, we set truth free because it can defend itself.

So that’s our mission.

NOTE: our mission does not and never has been to call for violence or to support violence.  

You may think it is absurd I even have to print that, and I would agree…

Of course, we are the people who constantly decried and called out all the violence, looting and burning down of cities during the summer of 2020.

That kind of behavior has NO PLACE in America.

So we want to be absolutely clear where we stand.

We also stand for the Constitution.

We stand for free and fair elections.

We stand for truth and justice.

So in case there was any confusion or question out there, I hope this clears it up.

DISCLAIMER: I cannot be responsible for what God’s Angel Army may choose to do.

Speaking of the Bible, there is a verse that says “As for me and my house…”

So that’s what I can speak for — Me (Noah) and my house (WeLoveTrump).

I can’t speak for God’s Angel Army or what they may choose to do.

They kind of have a mind of their own and they don’t tend listen much to what man wants to do.

What am I talking about?

Just this…

Just a little story taken right out of 2 Kings Chapter 6 from the Bible.

Do you know that story?

Perhaps you need to hear it right now.

I’ll summarize…

Elisha is trapped in Dothan.

The King of Aram surrounded the city and Elisha’s assistant panics thinking all is lost.  He thinks they have no way out.

And then Elisha says those famous words: “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

To the person who is only looking in the physical, that looked to be 100% wrong.

To the people who are looking right now and thinking “nothing has ever happened”, they think the all prayer and prophecies have been completely wrong.

But Elisha was looking in the spiritual world and he could see that although King Aram’s armies were surrounding the city, there were actually Hosts Upon Hosts of Heavenly Angels surrounding the King.  Completely outmatched.  Horses and chariots of fire ridden by Angels filled the hills around the King’s army!

And that, my friends, is where I believe we stand at this very moment.

I can see it, can you?

Read it here, I’ve bolded my favorite part:

Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”

The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.

11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” 14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.

20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see.” Then the Lord opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.

21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, my father? Shall I kill them?”

22 “Do not kill them,” he answered. “Would you kill those you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master.” 23 So he prepared a great feast for them, and after they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them away, and they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.

So there you go.

As for me and my house, we stand for truth, justice, the Constitution, freedom, liberty, free and fair elections, the American dream, life, liberty and the pursuit of justice…

…and we do not stand for, or call for, violence.  Period.

But as for the angels I see surrounding this country on its metaphorical hillsides — I do not speak for them. 😊

If you want a little more on the angels, I give you this recent message from Tim Sheets:


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