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South Africa Confirms Saudi Arabia to Join BRICS Alliance With China and Russia


U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, the largest U.S. export market in the Middle East, have crumbled since Joe Biden took office.

In March, Saudi Arabia invited Chinese President Xi to visit Riyadh due to faltering relations with the U.S.

According to a CNN report, Saudi Arabia is building its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, a relationship that could lead to domino effects across Middle East countries.

US intelligence agencies have assessed that Saudi Arabia is now actively manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China, CNN has learned, a development that could have significant ripple effects across the Middle East and complicate the Biden administration’s efforts to restrain the nuclear ambitions of Iran, the Saudis’ top regional rival.

Saudi Arabia is known to have purchased ballistic missiles from China in the past but has never been able to build its own – until now, according to three sources familiar with the latest intelligence. Satellite images obtained by CNN also suggest the Kingdom is currently manufacturing the weapons in at least one location.

US officials at numerous agencies, including the National Security Council at the White House, have been briefed in recent months on classified intelligence revealing multiple large-scale transfers of sensitive ballistic missile technology between China and Saudi Arabia, according to two sources familiar with the latest assessments.

U.S. allies are now aligning with China due to the embarrassing leadership of the Biden regime.

According to prior reports, Saudi Arabia announced it was considering accepting the Chinese yuan instead of the U.S. dollar in future transactions.

The Death Of The Petrodollar System: Saudi Arabia Considers Pricing Crude Oil In Chinese Yuan

This will end U.S. dollar supremacy and signal the death of the petrodollar.

In July, Saudi Arabia was invited to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS.

Read this prior report for further info on BRICS:

BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency to Usher in Globalism While America is Destroyed From Within (VIDEO)




Over the weekend, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed the likelihood that Saudi Arabia would be joining the BRICS Alliance.

From TimesLIVE:

Saudi Arabia has expressed its interest in joining the Brics bloc.

This was revealed by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his two-day state visit to the kingdom on Sunday.

“The Crown Prince (prime minister Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud) did express Saudi Arabia’s desire to be part of Brics and they are not the only country,” said Ramaphosa.

He confirmed this on Sunday during an engagement with the media.

Brics held its first summit in 2009, with SA joining the following year. The bloc has generally been seen as an alternative to the dominance of the western economies.

“We did say that Brics having a summit next year under the chairship of South Africa in SA and the matter is going to be under consideration.

“A number of countries are making approaches to Brics members, and we have given them the same answer that it will be discussed by the Brics partners and thereafter a decision will be made.”


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Via Conservative Treehouse:

Since the outset of the Western Alliance sanctions against Russia, we have been predicting an increased geopolitical influence from the BRICS team.  A global financial and economic cleaving is underway created by the western nations chasing ideological climate change energy policy, while the rest of the world remains pragmatic toward oil, coal and natural gas as energy resources.

We have been closely monitoring the signs of a global cleaving around the energy sector taking place.  Essentially, western governments’ following the “Build Back Better” climate change agenda which stops using coal, oil and gas to power their economic engine, while the rest of the growing economic world continues using the more efficient and traditional forms of energy to power their economies.

The Biden Regime continues purposely destroying the United States, and many Americans are asleep at the wheel. 


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