The Delaware Supreme Court ruled on Friday that universal mail-in voting is unconstitutional in the state.
“Delaware Supreme Court finds mail in voting unconstitutional- BANS mail in voting,” Brandon Straka tweeted.
🚨BREAKING: Delaware Supreme Court finds mail in voting unconstitutional- BANS mail in voting.
See thread:
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) October 7, 2022
I’m so, SO proud of my employee @realNickMiles for suing the state of Delaware to ban mail in voting- and WINNING! And now, after Democrats appealed the decision, the DE Supreme Court supported Nick’s win!!
Mail is voting is now BANNED in Biden’s state!@KariLake @IngrahamAngle
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) October 7, 2022
Trending: REPORT: McConnell and Pelosi Now TEAMING UP To Block Any Challenge To Electoral College Votes!
Nick Miles, the Event Coordinator with #WalkAway, filed the lawsuit in Delaware.
The Delaware Supreme Court Affirmed it today!
Vote-By-Mail for the 2022 General Election in Delaware!
— Nick Miles (@realNickMiles) October 7, 2022
Universal mail-in voting is now banned in Biden’s state.
BREAKING: Delaware Supreme Court rules universal mail-in voting & same day registration unconstitutional.
— Adam Brandon (@adam_brandon) October 7, 2022
Another blow for mail-in ballots and this one in Biden’s home state!
Delaware Supreme Court rules universal mail-in voting unconstitutional | Just The News
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 7, 2022
Delaware Live reported:
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Delaware has ruled the state’s mail-in voting and same-day voter registration statutes unconstitutional.
Neither will be allowed in the Nov. 8 general election.
The ruling, which came just one day after oral arguments, is a major defeat for Gov. John Carney and Delaware Democrats.
In an abbreviated order, the court said the vote-by-mail statute “impermissibly expands the categories of absentee voters identified in Article V, Section 4A of the Delaware Constitution.”
As for the same-day registration statute, the court said it conflicts with Article V, Section 4 of the Constitution.
The Supreme Court published its decision in a 3-page abbreviated order so as to allow as much time as possible for election officials and voters to communicate and understand changes to the upcoming election.
Traditional absentee voting is not affected by the court’s decision.
Just the News noted:
The court asserted that the three-page ruling would precede a “more formal opinion” but highlighted the state’s plan to mail ballots to voters by Oct. 10 as the rationale for the “abbreviated order.”
While absentee voting is constitutional in Delaware, per the Epoch Times, anyone seeking such an accommodation must be unable to reach their polling place, due to reasons such as illness or disability.
Friday’s ruling is a blow to Democrats who have sought to make permanent COVID-19-era adjustments to the absentee voting process in a plethora of states.
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