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Utah County Ritualistic Abuse Case Files


This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.    

Over the last few weeks, several people have been asking me for an update on the Utah County ritualistic abuse case. I apologize that I haven’t posted about this in a while. I will post an update soon because there is much to cover in the case. Not a lot of people actually realize how big this case is! If all is exposed, I think hundreds if not thousands of perpetrators would be arrested. This is systematic! It runs through every part of the community.

Over the last couple of months of intensively studying this case, I have come to realize just how big of a case it really is. So far I’ve studied 7 out of the 8 witness statements(which is close to 1,000 pages total). Through this process, I’ve been able to identify a potential 144 suspects, all of which are politicians, teachers, police officers, professors, lawyers, judges, therapists, athletes, business owners, doctors, filmmakers, and many “high-profile individuals”. Since these statements have come out(Mid-June), the Utah County Sheriff’s Office has received more than 120 tips! Imagine what these tips have/will turn into. Lots of people are involved. Many of the names in the witness statements are REDACTED(usually redacted names are people that are still alive), but if you are thorough, you will find out who they are.

Be careful when you are studying this material, this is really sensitive information, and there is a lot of disturbing content. Remember these people are being accused of satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse, child torture, child sacrifice, child trafficking, and cannibalism. It’s also important to not assume that just because they are listed as a perpetrator in the document, they are in fact guilty of all the things that I just said. They are potential suspects. The only people I can say that is for sure guilty (in my opinion) are David Hamblin(therapist), and David Leavitt(UT County Attorney).

It’s also important to note that not all of the people guilty are a bunch of evil psychopaths. Many are just doing it because they don’t know any better or they’ve been compromised. Some have grown up in the abuse. I have written on satanic ritual abuse(SRA) survivor Cathy O’Brien before. She was taught from a very young age that she had “no place to run” or that the abuse was normal and the whole world was involved. Some of the perpetrators could fall into this category. The other group I mentioned is those that are “compromised”. I’ve talked to multiple SRA survivors across the state of Utah. Some of them have said that their parents or others abusing them were thrown into this practice through being “compromised”. They were invited to a party or some other event, were drugged or driven into it by force, and got into doing something like this; to which after they were blackmailed. I personally believe that many politicians fall into this category, especially those in Washington.

Anyways, down below are some files to listen/watch/read. I’ve been able to receive these files through a legally submitted FOIA-type GRAMA request to the Provo Utah Police Department. You can obtain them yourself by doing the same.


Hamblin Case Dropbox: Here

Victim Statement #1: victim-statement-1.pdf

Victim Statement #2: victim-statement-2.pdf

Victim Statement #3: victim-statement-3.pdf

Victim Statement #4: victim-statement-4.pdf

Victim Statement #5: victim-statement-5.pdf

Victim Statement #6: victim-statement-6.pdf

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Victim Statement #7: victim-statement-7.pdf

Victim Statement #8: victim-statement-8.pdf

Soon I will be posting a list alongside these statements of all 144 potential suspects and in which statements/pages they’re mentioned. For example, in “victim statement #4”, David Leavitt is mentioned three times on pages 30, 34, and 51. I will also be posting a list of places mentioned in the documents and in which statements/pages they’re mentioned.

More to come.

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.    


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