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Massive Fire Starts at World’s Largest Wholesale Fresh Produce Market in Paris


Winter is coming folks!

The elites have warned us about food shortages.

And the total destruction of the food supply chain in western countries continues.

The latest event occurred in Paris, France this weekend.

An enormous fire broke out in a storage facility for fresh produce at the Rungis international market in Val-de-Marne, Paris, France on Sunday.

The Rungis International Market is the principal market of Paris, mainly for food and horticultural products, located in the commune of Rungis, in the southern suburbs.

According to its website, Rungis International Market is the world’s biggest fresh produce market.

Rungis Market trades an exceptional variety of food products, the majority of which is fresh produce, as well as flowers, plants and decorations. It supplies all markets, from the most modest to the most sophisticated.

All manner of fruits and vegetables from all over the world are sold at Rungis, from vegetables from the Île-de-France sold in the Producers’ area to the more unexpected exotic produce from every corner of the world.

All manner of fruits and vegetables from all over the world are sold at Rungis, from vegetables from the Île-de-France sold in the Producers’ area to the more unexpected exotic produce from every corner of the world.

The Rungis seafood sector is one of the biggest ports in France in terms of volume. Its flagship, the A4 building, is known worldwide as much for its infrastructures as for the quality and diversity of its products.

The smoke from the fire was visible for miles and required many firefighters to help extinguish the blaze.

According to reports, the fire department has the situation under control as of 2:10. No one was hurt, and the fire poses no threat of spreading.


Add Rungis International Market to this list of casualties to the food supply chain.

Fires and Explosions Destroy 20+ Food Processing Plants Moments After Biden Warns of Food Shortages


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