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PBS: “QAnon” Revolves Around Violence! It’s a Very Violent Fringe Group!


I don’t even know how many things in this clip are wrong, but there’s a lot and it’s only about a minute long.

I can’t even imagine being such an NPC that I would ever watch PBS or listen to what they tell me.

Complete poindexters…both the people on the air and the zombies who watch them.

But this one really takes the cake.

You gotta love this reporter in absolute panic talking about “QAnon”.

First of all lady, there is no “QAnon”.

There is Q.

And Q+.

And there are Anons.

There is nothing in existence known as QAnon.

But then you have to listen to the desperate questions, like MS13 has just ransacked her studio and she’s being held captive:

What can be done about it?  How should journalists cover it?  How should companies respond to it?

You can almost hear the fear in her voice…

So sad and so ridiculous.

Then you get Poindexter #2, the guy being interviewed.

This guy (who appears to be severely lacking in testosterone) appears just as panicked.

He labels “QAnon” as a “movement that revolves around violence”.

Wait, what?

I have been to dozens of Trump rallies and I have never seen even one shred of violent behavior (except by Far Left clowns who infiltrate and get thrown out).

What I’ve witnessed is love and camaraderie among thousands of people, everyone happy, everyone having a good time…and everyone getting along.

Everyone united under one purpose: loving America and wanting to see it great again.

The only “violence” is the J6 Scam staged by the Khaki Pants boys (you know who I mean).

Those weren’t MAGA people, so stop with the BS.

I guarantee you this clown has never attended a Trump rally, or if he has, then he’s just lying through his teeth.

Ok, enough ranting just watch it for yourself here on Rumble:





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