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Firearms Stolen From Democrat Congresswoman’s Home


Rep. Karen Bass (D) said her Los Angeles home was broken into Friday night and two firearms were stolen,” Fox 11 reports.

“Last night, I came home and discovered that my house had been broken into and burglarized,” Bass, who is running for mayor against developer Rick Caruso, said in a statement issued Saturday afternoon.

Bass said the two firearms were safely and securely stored when they were stolen.

Cash, electronics, and other valuables were reportedly left behind.

Fox 11 reported:

In the statement, she said she called LAPD for assistance. She says two firearms were stolen, despite them being ‘safely and securely stored.’ She says nothing else was stolen from her home, despite cash, electronics, and other valuables being visible.

“It’s unnerving and, unfortunately, it’s something that far too many Angelenos have faced,” Bass stated.

The guns were registered. Bass said she bought the guns years ago for personal protection.

In a mayoral debate, hosted by FOX 11 earlier this year, Bass said she felt ‘10 out of 10 safe’ when walking around LA. Crime is one of the forefront topics in the mayoral race between her and Caruso.


The New York Post added:

The lawmaker did not specify what type of firearms were missing. A spokeswoman told the paper they had been secured in a lockbox.

Bass reportedly learned how to handle weapons in the ’70s when she led the Venceremos Brigade, a group that stood in solidarity with Cuban revolutionaries. She was accused by the LAPD at the time of going to Cuba to “learn guerrilla warfare.”

“No one ever came in contact with the Cuban military or received any type of military training,” Bass told The Times in 1983. “The person who taught me how to shoot was Officer Jon Dial…He encouraged many different folks who had leadership responsibilities in the L.A. progressive community to learn how to use weapons.”

Bass is leading her opponent Rick Caruso in the polls. Both have pledged to crack down on crime if elected. According to the outlet, burglaries in LA were up 15% in 2022.


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