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Derek Johnson’s Update: Here’s What’s Happened Right In Front Of You — And You Didn’t See It!


Have you been following Derek Johnson?

He’s a really interesting retired Army vet who burst onto the scene a few days ago with a viral video and suddenly my inbox has been flooded with people asking me if I’ve seen his video.

Answer: yes I have!

Yes, we covered it.

And I actually have an UPDATE for you today!

But for those who missed the first one, I feel like I have to bring you up to speed first.

So let me start with the first one and then scroll down please for the latest update where he goes into much more detail on everything that has happened right under your noses!

Here’s the first article:

Army Vet Explains The Law: “Why Donald Trump Is STILL Your President”

Thank you so much to a reader (Brian) for sending this to me.

I had not seen it before but it’s absolutely going viral…and for good reason!

This video is put out by Derek Johnson, who’s quite an impressive person.

He’s an Army Vet turned Country Music star — from his Bio:

Of the long History of Country Music… only ONE artist can claim the title of shattering Country Music and Billboard History… welcome to Derek Johnson Country!

Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits “Real Cool Kinda Hot” and “Right Beer Right Now” that scored the strappin’ Texan back-to-back hits on Billboard Country Airplay, the top chart in Country Music.

Did you know 99% of artists do not write their own music? Not only does he write all his music… He and George Strait were the only two Veterans of the Military, both United States Army, to score Billboard Hits in 2020 in any genre (Country, Pop, Rock, etc.) and he was the only in 2021.

Shattering two Country Music and Billboard records… if ever made public… would be a sure-fire way to expose the commercial radio format and system.

For those who know… know. He went straight to the Top Chart in Country Music without a Major Record Label. Can you imagine having the key formula every artist moves to Nashville to try to figure out?

THE very reason every artist for 70 plus years has ever packed their bags and moved to Nashville is to land a record deal and see their name on the Billboard chart and this ol’ cowboy has the key formula to go straight to the chart without a label. Thousands move to town every week and thousands leave the same week with the same dream… many spend YEARS and never crack the code or even know it’s a business with a system with a format with a formula.

Throughout the hustle and bustle of that treacherous and rigid commercial system though, the cowboy didn’t ride away from his roots. The twang is still alive and well and it’s going to just keep getting better!

When he’s not writing and on the road, you can find him kicking back on the outskirts of “Nac-a-nowhere,” Nacogdoches, Texas; or you can catch snidbits of him cruisin’ back roads, dirt roads, hunting, or fishing.

And from The Country Note:

CN: For our readers who may not be familiar with you, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

DJ: Yes, I most definitely can. I’m Derek Johnson, born in Mobile, Alabama, grew up in towns the size of a T-shirt pocket, Saraland, Excel, and Perdue Hill. Most people never believe I’ve done half the things I’ve done or the story I have… but I’ve lived in 8 states, have two degrees, lived on a 5,000 acre cattle ranch throughout high school and college, I’m related to two National Champions from Alabama Football, one of which is a NFL legend and Super Bowl Champion (Lee Roy Jordan; Dallas Cowboys), distant relation to former President Lyndon B. Johnson, and my 7th Great Grandfather founded and named Bayou La Batre, Alabama, famous for its role in Forrest Gump (Bubba Gump Shrimp Company scenes); I’m an Army Veteran, Son of the Revolution (I’ve had a family member serve in every conflict dating back to Revolutionary War); I was the Captain of my High School Golf Team (with a 2 handicap to this day), turned down a full ride scholarship in golf to Alabama for a music scholarship (dad didn’t talk to me for 5 months… he does now lol), and I played every sport at least one year growing up. I’m an avid outdoors-man, hunting and fishing, camping, riding dirt roads, the beach, going to the creek, and a big, big sports fan, college football (Alabama, Colorado State, & Texas A&M), NFL (Denver & Dallas), NBA (San Antonio), NHL (Blackhawks), MLB (Yankees, Braves, Cards); huge fan of NASA too. Trust me, this is just a start… there’s a lot more to know haha!

CN: We would first like to thank you for your service and sacrifice to our great Nation. As a member of the U.S. Army, you received several awards and honors. Can you share with us your military career? What led you to join the military?

DJ: Yes, I was a 14S, Air and Missile Defense Crew Member for the United States Army, Hooah! As an ADA crew member, we’re experts at friendly and enemy aircraft, their weapon and missile capabilities, destroying enemy aircraft and also experts on all missiles.

First, I wanted to do something for myself. I felt a calling to serve my country and to fulfill duty. And second, I’m a Son of the Revolution… every one of my family members has fought in every single conflict from the Revolutionary War to present day.

Personally, it was the best thing that’s ever happened in my life. The best decision I’ve ever made. I would do it over and over and over again. I joined to make a career out of it but my severe injuries cut me short, but I’d like to thank all of my NCO’s and brothers/sisters I served with… those that are continuing to lead today and those who are out… for helping mold me into the man I am today. Always here for y’all. And for those I’ve never served with… thank you for taking the call to duty, for carrying the torch forward for Freedom (foreign and domestic), and for your service.

But I’m not here to talk about his Country Music.

I want to talk about a viral video he put out a few days ago, that already has over 250,000 views on Rumbles and hundreds of thousands on YouTube (it’s been re-uploaded many times).

In the video, Johnson lays out the very simple and straightforward basis for why President Trump is still your President — according to the law!

Not secret Supreme Court overturning of the election…

Not classified Executive Orders…

None of that stuff.

Just cut and dried basic application of civilian and military law.

Some of it is above my pay grade, but I would LOVE to see what you all think about it, and I know we have a lot of well-educated readers here who can give their opinions in the comments below.

It’s a bit long, but WELL worth the watch.

Please enjoy right here on Rumble:

And on YouTube (before it gets taken down):

As he says in the title…”Can I get a fact-check?”

Anyone out there able to prove him wrong?

Drop a comment below in the comments section.

And now the update…

After reading all the comments to his first video, Derek Johnson returned to make a follow up to give a lot more details and answer a bunch of questions.

And if you thought the first was fire, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

He really lays it all out here, and answers many of the questions people had the first time around.

I don’t know all the details about this guy…

I don’t really know where he came from or how he suddenly burst onto the scene with such a vigor, but I do know this: what he’s saying makes a LOT of sense.  And it explains a lot.

And I like him.

So if you enjoyed the first one and wanted a follow up, allow me to give it to you.

Please enjoy:

And if that gets taken down, I have a backup.

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Have Trump's Back 100%?

Watch safely here on Rumble:

And if you want to connect even MORE dots, go here next.

This fits in really nicely and explains even more:

Clif High Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Refused Trump’s National Guard


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