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DEVELOPING: New Congressional Bill Signals That We Are Dealing With Aliens


This is a stunning admission by the Congressional Intelligence Committee…

There has been a lot of buzz lately about the origin of UFOs, now officially termed as UAPs, and a recent Congressional bill reveals some very curious things…

First, the bill claims that these UFOs now pose an exponentially growing threat…

While this claim is laughable, it confirms the long-held theory that the Department of Defense and the U.S. military apparatus are attempting to use some sort of false flag or false threat narrative to raise money for the Space Force.

If these aircraft and those in control of them posed any sort of threat to us, we would be gone by now and there is absolutely nothing we could do about that.

Secondly, trans-medium objects have become a main concern of the Pentagon with an increased focus on submerged UAP, USOs, and objects that can seamlessly go between the oceans and the skies.

Last, and most importantly, the new Pentagon department tasked with studying these things will not be taking man-made UFOs into account: they won’t even be studying them…

This is the main point of this article. If it goes to this new department for study, the folks at the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies have already deemed it to be non-man-made…

No drones, clandestine tech, or black projects here. These are not the types of sightings that this new department will be looking at.

In short: members of Congress now believe that at least some of these craft are not man-made. After decades of denial, the truth is finally coming out…

Here’s what we currently know:

Vice opened up with this top line:

After years of revelations about strange lights in the sky, first hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs, and governmental investigations, Congress seems to have admitted something startling in print: it doesn’t believe all UFOs are “man-made.”


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The Hill explains:

Congress, in short, is forcing the government to focus on objects that are not “man-made.”

Imagine that the new UFO office identifies a highly advanced drone flying in sensitive airspace.

Under the draft legislation, regardless of the drone’s origin – be it Chinese, Russian or otherwise – the UFO office must immediately stop investigating and hand the case over to another government entity.

This implies that members of the Senate Intelligence Committee believe (on a unanimous, bipartisan basis) that some UFOs have non-human origins.

After all, why would Congress establish and task a powerful new office with investigating non-“man-made” UFOs if such objects did not exist?


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