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Tucker Carlson Unleashes on FBI and Biden for Mar-a-Lago Raid


Tucker Carlson wasn’t on the air last week when the FBI raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

He returned Monday night and blasted The Bureau for its unprecedented actions.

In his monologue, Carlson eviscerated the FBI, the DOJ, and Biden administration for the weaponization of law enforcement.

Here’s a partial transcript from Fox News:

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

Nuclear secrets? If the Biden administration really believed that, if they really thought Donald Trump possessed documents that posed an imminent danger to American national security, then you have to wonder, why did they wait a year and a half to do anything about it? Why did they wait till 90 days before a midterm election, an election that polls suggest they will lose? It doesn’t make, oh, wait, actually, it does make sense.

In fact, the question answers itself. Despite superficial appearances, the raid of Mar-a-Lago was not an act of law enforcement. It was the opposite of that. It was an attack on the rule of law. It was a power grab. As Matt Boose put it recently, in American Greatness, the raid on Trump’s home “was exactly what it looks like, a show of force against the opposition leader by the head of state and his personal bodyguards. If this happened in, any other country would immediately be denounced as the act of a dictator.”

That’s true, but it’s hard to hear those words anyway. As an American, you don’t want to believe it and yet here are the essential facts. The same week the Biden White House announced that Joe Biden will definitely seek a second term as president, the same week, the Biden Justice Department launched an armed raid against Biden’s main rival in that same presidential election. That’s what happened. Pause for a minute. If The New York Times told you that something like that was going on in Chad or the Gambia, what would your reaction be?

You’d probably say to yourself, “Thank God I don’t live in a place like that, a country where politicians used armed men to cling to power.” Oh, but you do live in a country like that. You do. The evidence is all around us. We just don’t want to see it. A week to the day after Joe Biden was inaugurated, the FBI arrested a 31-year-old man from Vermont called Douglass Mackey. According to the subsequent DOJ press release, Mackey committed an extremely serious crime. Like Vladimir Putin, he conspired to subvert the 2016 presidential election.

In a tweet, Mackey had suggested, but not explicitly said, but suggested, that it was possible to vote for Hillary Clinton by text message. This act, proclaimed acting U.S. Attorney Seth DuCharme, was a grave felony, a felony punishable by ten years in prison. Mackey’s tweet, DuCharme said, amounted to “misinformation to defraud citizens of their right to vote.” Assistant FBI Director William Sweeney confirmed that Douglass Mackey had, in fact, committed “vote theft.” So, as befitting a criminal of this magnitude, Mackey was handcuffed and hauled before a federal judge in Florida called Bruce Reinhart, as it turns out, the same magistrate who authorized last week’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. Weird. Then, Mackey was hauled off to jail.

Watch the whole monologue below:


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