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Mike Pence’s National Security Adviser Endorses Trump, Blames Pence’s Advisers for Conflict


“Former Vice President Mike Pence’s national security adviser said he would back former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 Republican presidential matchup over his former boss,” the Washington Examiner reported.

In an interview with the outlet, retired Gen. Keith Kellogg described a disappointing breach between the teams that played out Tuesday in dueling appearances in Washington.

While Kellogg talks to Pence occasionally, he said his loyalties lie with Trump.

Pence has floated a potential 2024 presidential campaign, but the former vice president has polled dramatically behind Trump.

“Pence spoke to a conference of young conservatives in downtown Washington on Tuesday morning, hours before Trump was set to deliver remarks of his own,” the Washington Examiner added.

Kellogg said he would back President Trump should he choose to enter the race.

“Sometimes, you have to pick the lane you’re gonna run with,” Kellogg said during the interview.

“I’ve always been a Trump guy.”

From the Washington Examiner:

Trump is weighing a possible announcement ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, stoking the prospect of a broad Republican field of presidential candidates facing off against one another in 2024.

The former president addressed the America First Policy Institute conference in downtown Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, organized by the think tank where Kellogg is a top adviser. Trump’s appearance marks his first time returning to the capital since leaving office and follows testimony by a top Pence adviser to a Jan. 6 grand jury.

The divides between the Trump and Pence camps have drawn new scrutiny in the wake of the Jan. 6 hearings.

Earlier Tuesday, Pence addressed a room of young conservatives across town, urging the group to look toward the future.

“In order to win, conservatives need to do more than criticize and complain,” Pence said in prepared remarks. “We must unite our movement behind a bold, optimistic agenda that offers a clear and compelling choice to the American people.”

Further stoking speculation about Pence’s political ambitions is his forthcoming memoir, which will be published days after the midterm elections on Nov. 15.

The book will chronicle “Trump’s severing of their relationship,” according to an announcement Tuesday by publisher Simon and Schuster.

Kellogg said the divide between the two leaders was disappointing but didn’t have to be this way.

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“We tried to bring him in tight,” Kellogg said of Pence. “It’s not because we haven’t reached out to him.”

He suggested those around Pence had stoked the conflict.

Pence’s advisers, “like Marc Short,” Kellogg said, had “pulled away from the Trump team.”

Trump barred Short from the White House on Jan. 6, blaming him for advice he gave Pence on certifying the results of the 2020 election, which the president had urged his vice president to challenge.

A senior adviser to Pence, Short was with the vice president at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and has emerged as a central character in the investigation by Congress.

Read the full report at the Washington Examiner!


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