“The U.S. military is hosting a drag show at a family-friendly festival at Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) at the end of July,” according to The Daily Wire.
“JBLE is hosting its first ever “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival” on July 30, featuring a series of performances and speeches, including a poem on ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and a drag show by Joshua Kelley, who performs under the moniker Harpy Daniels.'”
At least one top base official, Colonel Gregory Beaulieu, the installation commander, signed off on the event and approved the use of military resources.
He should be removed from command.
— Bob Wilkinson (@BobWilk73230025) July 31, 2022
Woke Military Brings Drag Show to Joint Base Langley-Eustis – PJ Media https://t.co/2znUUDkTCf
— KP (@kimlee227) July 31, 2022
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From The Daily Wire:
The festival was first proposed by the JBLE Breaking Barriers Alliance, a committee comprised of volunteer service members under the base’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. At least one top base official, Colonel Gregory Beaulieu, the installation commander, signed off on the event and approved the use of military resources, a JBLE spokesman told The Daily Wire.
The festival is advertised as a family-friendly event, including “bouncy houses and face painting for the children,” according to an event description. The event, which will feature performances by several cultural groups, is billed under the theme “Celebrating Differences.”
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have gained ground in the military in recent years, a development that critics say is gutting the unity, meritocracy, and mission readiness of the U.S. military. Rep. Mike Ghallager (R-WI), the ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Military Personnel, said in a February speech that DEI initiatives are undermining the military’s strength.
“Diversity may be a strength for America, but it cannot be an organizing principle for the Pentagon. Actual strength — physical strength, mental strength, and overall end strength — is our strength,” he said. “DEI initiatives risk sapping this strength. By co-opting the Woke Left’s obsession with racial and gender diversity, the Pentagon’s DEI evangelists are ironically stifling the very type of diversity that might improve military performance: intellectual diversity.”
PJ Media added:
This isn’t some outsider, non-military-grade drag show, either. Harpy Daniels is actually a yeoman 3rd class in the United States Navy, and you can just imagine how proud John Paul Jones and Chester Nimitz would be if they saw young Harpy in action. He actually joined the Navy in order to finance his drag career. Back in the bad old days, young men joined the Navy out of a sense of patriotism (and no doubt a desire for adventure), but for Harpy it’s just a means to an end: “With drag being my number one passion,” Yeoman Harpy explained, “it quickly became costly. On top of just struggling to make ends meet and then pay college loans, the Navy became a great option to get myself situated in life.“
They’re going to get a bravura performance at JBLE, because Harpy gives it his or her or xis all: “Doing drag allows me to embrace my feminine side and allows me to bring my diversity and creativity out. When I put on a face, it’s a face of art and creativity, not just a face of make-up. To hear people cheer, laugh or cry, or even join in with you during a performance is an absolute thrill.”
Those straights and dweebs over at the Daily Wire note primly that Harpy’s “professional Instagram page features dozens of photos of him in drag, many of them heavily sexualized. Some of the photos show Kelley nude, though the photos themselves appear to not violate Instagram’s nudity policies.” My fellow Americans, this is your United States Navy!
As PJ Media noted, the U.S. Air Force didn’t have an Office of Diversity and Inclusion until the Biden Administration.
However, being ‘woke’ and ‘inclusive’ is now the primary objective of the U.S. military.
Our enemies are laughing at us!
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