I don’t even know what to make of this…
I also don’t know how I ever missed this!
Did you see this back in June?
I sure didn’t.
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And I was initially a little skeptical of it being real, but it appears to be 100% authentic.
We have the video and it’s been confirmed by Outkick and The Sun.
So, what am I even talking about?
Perhaps the most amazing horse race I have ever seen.
Not that I’ve seen a lot, but I’ve never seen one like this.
More on that in just a moment.
We’ve also covered here many times before that horse racing and the names involved seem to have prophetic importance.
Like this one, remember when a 20-year old horse named “Barack Obama” was euthenized recently?
Didn’t hear about that story in the Media?
Here it is, from the CitizenTimes:
TRYON — A 20-year-old Anglo-Arab gelding horse named Barack Obama was euthanized Friday in Tryon, where it was competing in the FEI World Equestrian Games.
The event later was canceled due to concerns of heat and humidity, World Equestrian Games spokeswoman Gayle Telford said.
Telford said the horse was treated for kidney problems at the Tryon International Equestrian Center before being transferred to the Tryon Equine Hospital “for further treatment.” The horse’s owner, Mark Round, elected to euthanize it after consulting with Champion and veterinarians.
Barack Obama competed in international endurance events since 2009, including six 160-kilometer rides, Telford said. Champion began riding the horse in 2014.
But now check out this latest story involving a horse named “Heavenly Trump”.
Yes, really.
Not only that, but check out one of the other horses: NOAH
That’s me!
NOAH in all caps.
What are they odds we get a NOAH and a Heavenly Trump in one race?
But that’s just the beginning, here’s where it gets really good…
A horse named Moro Flyboy was in the lead…WAY out in the lead….coming into the home stretch.
The race was all but over until an “act of God” hit the race.
Moro Flyboy suddenly does a nose dive into the side rail and launches the jockey head first off the horse and into the guiderail.
At first it looks like he might be dead.
With the jockey dismounted, a new horse comes barrling into the lead and wins it: Heavenly Trump.
Absolutely unreal.
Remind you of anything? Perhaps a sudden faceplant by the Election Riggers as the truth comes out and Trump comes roaring back from out of nowhere?
You couldn’t script something like this in a movie if you tried, and yet this appears real.
Watch the video here:
Backup video here:
One more backup here on Rumble:
Outkick had a fantastic write-up on the race, confirming it was indeed real and authentic:
Beating out every miracle tortilla with Baby Jesus imprinted on it was an unbelievable victory at Lone Star Park on Friday that required some foal play and possibly some intervention from the Most High.
LSP in Grand Prairie, Texas, hosted a horse race for three-year-olds and up, and for most of the maiden race a four-year-old gelding named Moro Flyboy had a clear lead ahead of the rest of the competition, including a horse named “Heavenly Trump.”
As Flyboy, led by apprentice jockey Simon Camacho-Benitez, approached the final stretch of the race, the horse began to veer toward the track’s inside rail.
After flying too close to the sun, Moro Flyboy made contact with the rail and bucked Camacho-Benitez yards from the finish line, which gave way for Heavenly Trump to step up and steal the race (not like that).
The indisputable, Balaam-inspired act of God propelled Heavenly Trump to victory. Camacho-Benitez and Flyboy were reportedly unscathed after the incident.
“He’s all right. He had to go get a concussion test before he can be back,” said Camacho-Benitez’s agent, Bradley White, via DRF.
Atheists and Dems…your move.
I wanted to add a couple updates from stuff I had not caught before when I first posted.
First, from Annamaire Strawhand, a wonderful prophetic voice we have covered a few times here before.
She’s bold and she does not hold back in her prophetic words!
I saw she was talking about this story today and she picked up a couple things I hadn’t noticed from the story.
From her Telegram:
How did I miss that?
Remember the Fly on Pence during the debates and also the Fly on Obama?
Very symbolic!
And Heavenly Trump is in yellow, not an accident.
Really good stuff.
Then thanks to a comment from Peeeach on my article, I learned that Amanda Grace had made a video on this two days ago.
(NOTE TO ANNAMARIE: stop reading here if you don’t want to hear another prophecy)
You want to start at about the 29:00 minute mark and it’s short but she makes some interesting connections too.
She calls the horse “Heavenly Trumpet” but that’s actually not right — the horse truly was called “Heavenly Trump” — even better!
But then she talks about a dog called “Trumpet” — a bloodhound of all things — who just won the Westminster Dog Show.
Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Then she pointed out the obvious, but something I hadn’t focused on: Flyboy continues on the race with no rider.
Sound familiar?
Does it feel like we have a “Presidency” that is currently unoccupied?
The light’s on but nobody is home?
Or perhaps, as we have speculated from the very beginning, Joe Biden is not even in the White House? There is good evidence to support that theory, which we’ve covered in dozens of articles.
So we have an “unmanned” White House which is soon to be overtaken out of nowhere by an “Act of God” as “Heavenly Trump” swoops in at the last minute?
Really folks, you can’t make this stuff up!
Watch Amanda here:
The connections just keep coming and I have to keep updating this article as new revelation comes in.
You may have picked up on the fact that the race occurred on 6/24 but the story never got any press until today, 7/31.
That’s a huge delay.
I cover Trump news as my job on a daily basis and I had never even heard about this story until today.
I think the delay is prophetic.
I think it reminds us that God is most certainly aware of the delay we’ve all been experiencing since 2020, but it will not be delayed forever.
This story eventually broke and went crazy and Heavenly Trump eventually came in for the surprise win out of nowhere.
I don’t think any of that is an accident.
Also, credit to my friend Bo Polny who pointed out to me that not only did we have a 1+ month delay, but the date of the actual horse race was June 24.
Anyone happen to remember anything big happening on that day?
I’ll save you the trouble of Googling it: June 24 was the EXACT day Roe vs. Wade was overturned!!!
Again, I do NOT think that is an accidence or a coincidence.
America had been under a curse from Roe vs. Wade and the service our country had given to Moloch.
When that broke, so broke the curse.
And then here come the blessings!
Oh my!
Last, here is more on the story from The Sun:
Camacho-Benitez bounced off the obstacle head-first and landed with a thud on the dirt as Heavenly Trump cruised past to win in the most ridiculous of circumstances.
A clip of the finish has gone viral online, as conspiracy theories about why the horse jinked surfaced.
Some claimed Camacho-Benitez should not have used his whip on the four-year-old gelding when so far clear.
And they say an apparent strike to the right side of the horse caused him to jink left and throw the jockey off, costing the horse’s owner a winning cheque for just over £6,500.
Others said this was just classic racing, with the winner never a sure thing until they pass the post.
Fortunately, Moro Flyboy and Camacho-Benitez both escaped serious injury in the race at Lone Star Park in Texas, US, in the early hours of Saturday morning.
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