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Matt Gaetz: “All The Women At Pro-Abortion Rallies Are Fat and Ugly!”



Do NOT send me your hate mail.

I am just a reporter.

You can direct all hate mail to Matt Gaetz.

Ok, now that we got that out of the way, I have to bring you one of my favorite stories in a long time.

It’s my favorite not necessarily because Matt Gaetz is being crass and calling pro-abortion protestors “fat and ugly” (his words, not mine) but what I really love is he doesn’t give a damn about being politically incorrect.

I am so sick of all the fake niceties.

All the fake smiles from some of the worst people in the world (Democrats and RINOs) but they smile pretty for the cameras and say all the fake nice things that tickle ears.

Sorry, not my cup of tea.

I’ll take Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump with brutal honesty over that crap every day of the week…and twice on Sundays!

So with that as background, I give you perhaps the best 52 seconds you will see in recent memory…


Personally, my favorite part was:  “Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb!”

I had to replay that line a couple times to make sure I heard it correctly…so true!

A thumb…

A potato…

All correct!

And now I take a brief timeout for a totally-unrelated tweet:

Ok, back now…

Gaetz was confronted after the speech and this is the part that’s truly my favorite.

His response is perfect.

When asked what he would say to people who thought his comments were offensive, Gaetz replied with two words:  “BE OFFENDED.”

Well done Matt.

It’s high time our country got back to that way of thinking.


Now look, I’m not here to judge whether Matt Gaetz is right or wrong.

Really, I’m not.

I’m a reporter.

I report and I let YOU decide.

So without comment, I simply give you several videos of pro-Abortion protestors and you tell me at the bottom of this article is Matt Gaetz RIGHT or WAY OFF BASE?

Take a look and then vote below:


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