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(VIDEO) Italian Judge Reinstates Unvaccinated Psychologist: Rules Shot is ‘Experimental’ and ‘Infiltrates and Alters DNA’


Judge Susanna Zanda of the Civil Court of Florence signed an emergency decree on July 6th ordering the reinstatement of a psychologist who was suspended by the state board for being unvaccinated.

In her ruling, Judge Zanda obliterated the experimental COVID-19 shots and blasted the board’s COVID tyranny.

“After the experience of Nazi-Fascism,” one cannot “sacrifice the single individual for the collective interest,” Zanda stated.

Zanda criticized the safety and efficacy of the shots, stating that their possible harmful effects are not fully known.

She also mentioned that the shots are “experimental” and “so invasive that they infiltrate the DNA by altering it.”

RAIR Foundation reported:

Judge Zanda cited article 32 of the Constitution that “after the experience of Nazi-Fascism,” one cannot “sacrifice a single individual for the collective interest.” Furthermore, it does it allow an individual “to be subjected to invasive medical trials without free, informed consent.”

The Judge’s emergency decree temporarily suspended the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany provision prohibiting the doctor from practicing as a psychologist. Instead, after an eight-month suspension, the psychologist can now practice “in any modality (in-person and remotely) in the same way as her vaccinated colleagues.

The lawsuit between the psychologist and Order will resume on September 15, 2022, but at least for now, Judge Zanda agreed with the psychologist. “The suspension of the exercise of the profession – the reasons state – risks compromising the primary assets of the individual such as the right to support and the right to work.”

(Translated): “Article 32 of the constitutional charter, after the experience of Nazi-fascism, DOES NOT ALLOW the SACRIFICATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL for an interest collective, true or supposed, and even less subject it to invasive medical trials ” The PERSON comes FIRST .. this sentence is a bomb.

Further info at Corriere Fiorentino (translated):

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Then, taking up an argument dear to some no-vax groups, he argues that vaccines would be “experimental injection treatments so invasive as to insinuate themselves into his DNA, altering it in a way that could be irreversible , with currently unpredictable effects on his life and health. “. The reasoning also recalls a judgment of the European Court of Justice, according to which the national judge has “the obligation to disapply any national provision contrary to a provision of EU law” and cites cases of similar decisions, on the revocation of suspensions from work, already taken in Italy in recent months by the Courts of Padua, Sassari, Velletri and Rome and by the TARs of Lombardy, Piedmont and Rome. However, the judge also mentions the “numerous TARs” which, instead, have put the constitutional legitimacy of the decree-laws on the vaccination obligation to the evaluation of the Council. Faced with such a decision, while on the Telegram channels the no vax groups celebrate by talking about “a precedent that could apply to everyone”, the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany instead announces a battle in the classroom:“The Order is working with its lawyers to defend itself through the most appropriate forms and in the appropriate offices, in compliance with the law and to protect the health of the community – reads a note – We remind everyone that health orders, which is the Order of the psychologists of Tuscany, are obliged to respect the law decree 44 of 2021 on the vaccination obligation ». And he concludes: «We will not accept this provision obtitously. Therefore we will oppose in the appropriate fora » .

Italian media discussed Judge Zanda’s ruling. Watch via Rumble:

If European media pundits think Judge Zanda’s ruling is “devoid of any scientific evidence,” then they should review the scientific study from Sweden that showed evidence of mRNA from the COVID-19 shots converting into DNA.

New Report Shows mRNA in COVID-19 Jabs Can Convert Into DNA!


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