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Biden Flashback: “I’ll Develop Some Disease and Say I Have to Resign”


Is it coincidence or was it prophetic?

During one of his townhall events with CNN, Joe Biden was asked a question about how he would handle a disagreement with Kamala Harris.

Joe said:

I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.

We can’t help but remember this quote, as over the last 24 hours, Biden said he “has cancer” and then the White House later revealed that Biden has COVID-19.

Furthermore, it’s well documented that Joe and Kamala don’t get along.

In fact, they have a “rocky” relationship.

According to the New York Post:

As vice president, Joe Biden’s weekly meal with President Barack Obama wasn’t just a meal but “a meeting when things really got done,” and Biden vowed the same relationship with his veep, Kamala Harris, notes RealClearPolitics’ Philip Wegmann. Yet the two have “only sat down to lunch twice this year, a significant drop” from the 12 lunches they had by this time in 2021. And this “amid whispers of a rocky start to their working relationship.” The pair’s busy schedules, Harris’ positive COVID test and that of others around them may partly explain the paucity of shared lunches. Meanwhile, though, their meals have reportedly “lacked a real depth of personal and political intimacy”; Biden has been unable to recreate the “sense of camaraderie” he enjoyed with Obama.

Meanwhile, more and more people are paying attention to Biden’s cognitive decline.

Could he actually resign?

The odds of it appear to be going higher and higher with each passing day.

Things are so bad in the White House that staffers and top advisers are leaving left and right.

There’s is low morale and people are quitting their jobs almost every day.

According to the Associated Press:

New White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was delivering her third on-camera goodbye to a departing staffer in less than 24 hours when she quipped to reporters, “I promise we will have a press shop.” She added, “Not everyone is leaving.”

It’s a dynamic playing out across the White House complex this month — and more evidence that not even the White House is immune from what has been called “the great resignation” as employers struggle to fill vacancies and workers jump to new jobs at record rates.

The administration is undergoing a period of unusually high staff turnover as President Joe Biden nears 18 months in office. Long hours, low morale and relatively low pay are taking a toll on both the ranks of the senior staff and the more numerous junior aides who keep the White House functioning.

It’s not unusual for staff to turn over at this point in a presidency, but the swiftness of the change has been stark at times: Two-thirds of the White House press shop, much of the COVID-19 response team, two of the deputy counsels to the president, even the staffer who manages the White House Twitter account are all leaving within a few weeks of each other.

So this raises the question: will Joe Biden be the next to resign?

Did he predict or foreshadow how he would eventually leave the White House?

Or will he make it to the end of his term?

According to Hannity, former White House doctor Ronny Jackson is calling on Biden to resign:

Former White House doctor and current Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson told Fox News that Barack Obama once sent him an email, telling him criticizing Biden’s mental state was “unprofessional.”

“Biden was on TV again, making crazy statements and concerning mental gaffes; he didn’t know what state he was in or what office he was campaigning for,” Jackson recalls of the 2020 campaign season. “He apparently thought at one point that he was running for the Senate and later couldn’t remember what state he was campaigning in. This had been going on for months and was getting worse.”

“Trump never made crazy statements like the ones Biden was making almost every day,” Jackson writes in his new book Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values, “but these people were jumping up and down: ‘He’s not fit to be president; he needs a cognitive test!’”


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The Texas Rep hasn’t stopped sounding the alarm on President Biden’s mental state —in fact, he sent out a tweet on Wednesday calling for Biden’s resignation:

“At this point, Biden’s cognitive function is comparable to a child’s. He has NO IDEA where he is, what he’s doing, or what he’s saying. HE CAN’T EVEN READ OFF A TELEPROMPTER! This is tragic. Biden needs to resign or the cabinet needs to step in. This has gone TOO FAR!”

So what do you think?

Would you rather have Kamala Harris as president?

Or should Joe Biden stay in the White House?

Let us know your comments below!


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