I’ve written a lot about Chemtrails here at WeLoveTrump, trying to wake up the public about what is being sprayed literally in the skies above their heads.
Just look up!
This is not normal folks.
But even with all the research and writing I’ve done, I had no idea about the secret history of chemtrails and their origin with a man named Charles M. Hatfield.
Have you heard his story?
If not, you have to check this out!
Watch this short 2 minute segment from the nightly news back when they did real, local reporting and not just reading talking points from their elite owners.
Watch here on Rumble:
True story!
Here are more details from JSTOR:
A century ago, in 1915, as today, San Diego thirsted for water. Dangerously low reservoir levels threatened the region’s potential to grow. Promoters of the city’s Panama-California Exposition, entering its second year, worried about the drought’s impact on fair attendance. A civic organization, the San Diego Wide Awake Improvement Club, demanded action.
Onto the arid stage—and into San Diego’s city council chamber on December 13, 1915—stepped a potential savior. A dapper, 40-year-old sewing machine salesman named Charles Mallory Hatfield vowed to make it rain. As Barbara Tuthill details in “Hatfield the Rainmaker,” the self-professed “moisture accelerator” told the councilors that he could have the Morena Reservoir—only one-third full at the time—overflowing within a year for a fee of $10,000, to be paid only if he succeeded.
Hatfield’s path to San Diego started more than a decade earlier in nearby Bonsall. There, on his father’s ranch, Hatfield conducted his first rainmaking experiments from the top of a windmill tower.
By 1904, he was able to convince some of California’s water-starved ranchers and farmers that he could milk the skies by releasing a secret 23-chemical cocktail into the air from tall wooden towers perched on stilts. “I do not make rain,” Hatfield said. “That would be an absurd claim. I simply attract clouds, and they do the rest.”
In December of 1904, he guaranteed Los Angeles business leaders that he could coax 18 inches of rain to fall over the ensuing five months in return for $1,000. When the target was eclipsed, the rainmaker became a star. “Hatfield immediately became the darling of excitement-hungry newspapers and popular magazines,” wrote scholar Clark C. Spence.
Although a salesman by trade, Hatfield was no smooth-talking huckster. Born into a devout Quaker family, he had a polite, homespun manner. His piercing eyes were as blue as water, and his eerily pale skin suggested that he had little affinity for the sun.
Hatfield’s Predecessors
As scholar James Rodger Fleming pointed out, Hatfield followed in the soggy footsteps of a line of scientists and pseudo-scientists who claimed they could make the skies weep. The founding father of American rainmaking was perhaps James Pollard Espy, “the leading meteorologist of his day” according to Fleming. In his 1841 book The Philosophy of Storms, Espy claimed that by moving humid air currents upward into the cooler layers of the atmosphere, condensation would occur and rain could be artificially induced. After being hired as the country’s first federally funded meteorologist the following year, Espy tested his thermal theory of storms by intentionally setting forest fires to create massive updrafts, but the experiments fizzled along with his thesis.Plutarch, noted that “extraordinary rains pretty generally fall after great battles.”
Other “pluviculturists,” the term for pseudo-scientists engaged in rainmaking, believed they could shoot the moisture out of the sky through shock and awe, a notion that dated back to Plutarch, who noted that “extraordinary rains pretty generally fall after great battles.” In 1871’s War and the Weather, Edward Powers itemized more than 200 instances of precipitation falling just after Civil War artillery engagements.The concussive theory of rainmaking gained such traction that in the early 1890s Congress appropriated nearly $20,000 to test it in drought-stricken Texas. Civil War veteran Robert St. George Dyrenforth, who oversaw the experiments, deployed his assistants as if he was going to war with the great blue yonder. He assembled three battle lines that included 60 makeshift guns, kites bearing explosives, and balloons laden with a combustible mix of hydrogen and oxygen. When the experiments ultimately proved more successful in setting the prairie aflame than in making it rain, Dyrenforth earned the mocking nickname “Dry-Henceforth.”
Hatfield, The Rain Man
Hatfield graduated from yet another school of rainmaking that emerged in the 1890s in which practitioners brewed secret chemical formulas that they burned in an attempt to produce fumes that would make clouds blossom into rain producers. By the time he made his offer to San Diego in 1915, Hatfield could point to 17 contracts he had signed with commercial entities ranging from cotton growers in Texas to mine operators in Alaska. He commanded as much as $4,000 in return for the delivery of the four-inch rainfall that he typically promised to municipalities across southern California as a result of his chemical concoctions.San Diego’s desperate city council was willing to give Hatfield the job, particularly because it would only have to pay out in the event that a deluge struck the city. “It’s heads, the city wins; tails, Hatfield loses,” said Councilman Walter Moore after his fellow members verbally agreed to hire the rainmaker. Only Councilman Herbert Fay objected to the deal, calling it “rank foolishness.”
History most certainly repeats itself, doesn’t it?
And what could go wrong with airplanes now spraying these chemicals all day long each and every day?
This is a red alert folks 🚨.
The photo you see above is a photo I actually took myself…two MASSIVE chemtrails in an “X” formation and it just so happened when I snapped the shot that they “X’ed” out the sun.
Fitting, isn’t it?
This makes me so furious, here’s what they are doing, it’s really almost beyond comprehension…
First, you have to understand these are NOT “frozen water vapors” like they try to claim.
Those are real and they are called “contrails” short for “condensation trails” and they are very short behind a plane and evaporate quickly.
Chemtrails are different.
They don’t go away quickly.
They grow and spread out over the entire sky over the course of an afternoon.
They’re often sprayed in X or cross-hatch patterns to get maximum coverage in the sky.
And…they contain heavy metals like aluminum, barium and now confirmed to have graphene.
All extremely toxic to humans.
I saw this on Twitter today and I was so encouraged to see other people getting it!
— healthbot (@thehealthb0t) April 25, 2022
And this:
I seriously can't with ppl who argue against this. I mean look up for crying outloud. It's literally that simple. Smh. The arguments I've read over the past few days on here are scary. Ppl are so dumb.
— Live learn teach (@fisherplgl) April 25, 2022
And this:
Kinda like this.
Spreads out and covers the sky with aluminum among other things. pic.twitter.com/T88EXt1ua0— Rajeanmachine (@rajean11) April 25, 2022
Smart people!
Now here’s the most insidious part: these evil “elites” are spraying these day after day after day literally poisoning the air we breathe and then they have the GALL to claim that humans are destroying the ozone layer by our use of carbon-based fossil fuels.
It’s true that humans are destroying the environment, but it’s not just by living.
It’s this small group of elite sickos who are literally spraying the skies day after day with toxic heavy metals!
Then they claim we have to join the Paris Accord and give up all our freedoms and pay yet another tax (a “carbon tax” — what a joke!).
It’s the same game plan they run over and over.
Cook up COVID in a biolab in Ukraine or China, release it to the public, use the MSM to hype it up and work everyone into a panic, and then tell everyone the only cure is to take their poison vaccine.
It’s the same cycle over and over and over again….
THEY create a problem, they use their propaganda machines in the MSM to work everyone into a panic, then THEY roll out their solution, which is usually worse than the problem!
Sick, sick, sick stuff!
Sean over at SGT Report just had Dane Wigington back on his show to talk more about this.
They go into everything in much greater detail and I really want you to watch this video.
Watch and then share.
We have to wake people up to what is literally being poisoned in the skies right above them!
And yes, they answer all the common questions like:
Aren’t they poisoning themselves too? Why do it?
How do we know what metals are in the spray?
What video evidence do we have of the spraying?
Isn’t this just a “contrail”? (Answer: No!)
Watch the full interview here on Rumble:
Now let’s dig in even more…
Here are a few more photos I took from a couple weeks ago while I was enjoying a nice afternoon at the park with my kids.
The day started off with big, beautiful blue skies…not a cloud in the sky.
And then, this started happening:
There still wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but there these things!
I just have to wonder what most people think when they look up and see this…
Serious question.
Here are the options I’ve come up with so far:
Option 1- they don’t even think about it. Never even occurs to them.
Option 2- they think they are normal condensation trails (“contrails”) caused by planes.
Option 3- they know something is wrong but don’t know what or what they can do about it.
My hunch is over half the population falls into Option 1.
They are literally spraying heavy chemicals into the skies above us — into the air we breathe — and I have to believe if the majority of the people understood that and thought about it, there would be hell to pay.
But as it stands, I almost never hear anyone even question it.
Then I think there is a group of people like this Harvard Professor below, who I think fall into Option 2.
It can’t possibly be a “conspiracy” (even though all the other conspiracies seem to be coming true before our eyes).
No, they say — all explainable by science!
Besides, they say, the government couldn’t possibly keep something like that a secret!
And all the commercial airline pilots and crew couldn’t keep it a secret either, they say!
Watch the short video and then I’ll give my reaction:
Ok, so my take?
First, “compartmentalization” explains most of what the government keeps secret.
There are very, very few people who know the “whole picture” and the whole plan of any operation.
Everyone else just works on their small part and never has any idea or reason to question how it all fits together.
Second, no one who believes these are chemical trails believes they are attached to commercial airplanes. That’s just stupid and an intentional red herring to alter the argument.
No, the people who believe these are chemical trails believe these are government planes or private planes or both.
Again, compartmentalized by a very small subset of people and probably people who get very specific and limited orders and are not told anything further.
Now let’s explore some more pictures and videos and you tell me if these look normal to you:
Just a reminder they are poisoning your SKIES and they Don’t Care!! LOOK AT THIS!!!! These are harmful Chemicals to Humans and Harvard has now Admitted They are SPRAYING the Skies to Cool the Planet. I’ve had Enormous Headaches the Last few Days. #amtv #chemtrails pic.twitter.com/OOcn6ek7o8
— Christopher Greene 😎🏝🚀⛵️ (@amtvmedia) October 6, 2019
Or this:
This is #staffordshire #england #derbyshire skies. I'm sorry but I do not believe these to be #contrails. In my opinion these are #chemtrails #aluminium #barium etc #GeoEngineering .. Seems to be admitted too yet publicity in the U.K. none existent – please LOOK UP #antchem pic.twitter.com/coUitesRm6
— Anthony Rhead (@antsared) January 9, 2019
Or this:
Or this:
Please L😷😷K UP… Even if you don't contemplate what you see as out of the ordinary, please see mass, volume of total sky obliteration. Its not trails anymore it total obliteration. Please research #GeoEngineering #chemtrails. See how its been admitted. #staffordshire #antchem pic.twitter.com/jdSjINzRI4
— Anthony Rhead (@antsared) April 6, 2019
My friends, these are NOT normal!
And they’re not just “condensation trails” either.
Let’s take a moment to address that.
Condensation trails DO exist and are normal.
In fact, back in the 1980s I remember seeing a lot of them.
I even remember as a kid watching them go across the sky and how quickly they disappeared.
Read that last part again: they ALWAYS quickly dissipated!
I even remember holding my finger up in the sky to track how quickly they would dissipate and go away completely (hey, we didn’t have anything else to do, there was no internet!).
But that’s a key point.
They NEVER lasted for longer than a very short stretch of the sky and they never spread out over time over the course of a whole afternoon.
Contrails exist, but they are VERY different from chemtrails.
Chemtrails have heavy chemicals designed to stay in the air and spread out.
They don’t dissipate.
They expand.
Big difference.
Now, here’s the real kicker…
Would you be surprised to know that the Deep State doesn’t even try to hide it?
They ADMIT it!
I find it so hilarious when people who think it’s a “conspiracy theory” try to defend them, and I want to just ask them….you do know that even the Deep Staters like John Brennan are admitting it?
The thing is, they don’t call them “chemtrails”.
No, that would be too obvious.
They call them “stratospheric aerosol injections”.
Which is a super fancy way of saying chemtrails.
Literally injecting heavy metals into the sky.
Other times they call them “geo-engineering”.
They all mean the same thing.
Here is the full video:
And because that will almost certainly be deleted by YouTube as soon as I post this, I made a backup.
Here it is on Rumble:
And confirmed here too:
— Christopher Greene 😎🏝🚀⛵️ (@amtvmedia) January 19, 2020
MIT admitting it too:
Here’s what geoengineering means and why you should care. https://t.co/2jd2Ht1RYq pic.twitter.com/FwB7XozD20
— MIT Technology Review (@techreview) August 15, 2019
And this:
It's not like they are hiding it. 54 countries are on record/have admitted they are geoengineering the skies.
The US is even discussing chemtrails & plasma weapons (think forest fires/911) in the senate! pic.twitter.com/9felAmC55d— Paul (@1starshot) September 21, 2019
And here:
Oh and also… pic.twitter.com/zzLrzEgtn1
— Kimberley 🤗😘❤️ (@kimberley82h) September 21, 2019
The Deep State likes to call stuff like this “hidden in plain sight”.
Or is that in “plane” sight?
Would you please help us and share this everywhere?
Let’s get the truth out!
It absolutely boggles my mind how they are doing this every single day in the skies above us and it’s on display literally for the whole world to see and most people either don’t see it, don’t understand it, don’t question it or just don’t want to take the red pill and wake up.
Sorry folks, it’s time to wake up.
All the B.S. about “clean air” and the B.S. Paris Accord and all that garbage and in the meantime they are LITERALLY spraying the air with toxic metals on a DAILY basis.
Makes me furious.
It should make every single American furious.
It’s time to act.
But I want to know what you think…
Join the conversation!
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