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CRROW777: Opening Your Third Eye and the Ascended Master?


I have been very vocal here to always say how much I love SGT Report and what Sean does over there.

And there’s no “but” coming to that statement.

Love what you do Sean, keep up the good work!

A true pioneer in the space, and a guy who should have about 10x more followers than he currently does if the corrupt leadership at YouTube had not deleted his channel for no good reason.

And one of my favorite guests historically has been Crrow777, but….and there is a “but” coming to this statement…I don’t know what in the world he was talking about in his latest interview.

He suddenly got all New Age-y on us, or at least that’s what I heard.

Maybe I heard him wrong?

That’s always possible.

So I’m posting this to see if anyone else had any reaction and can clear it up for me.

Here’s what I heard…

I heard him talking about how we’re at a “point in our evolution” where we should be “opening up our third eye and pineal gland” to reach “higher levels of consciousness”.

Say what now?

Again, maybe I heard it wrong or misunderstood what he was saying.

But then later in the interview he was talking about some “Ascended Master” that he follows or something.


Third Eye?

Ascended Masters?

All of that stuff is occult stuff.

Oh, and he is not a fan of the Guidestones coming down either, he made that very clear in several points during the interview.

Sean tried to right the ship a few times by basically saying “but isn’t it a good thing they came down?” to which each time Crrow replied basically that he doesn’t care and he brushed it off.

Look, I’m not saying everyone you interview on a show has to have the same beliefs and faith as I do, or that the host does (and I don’t even know for sure where Sean falls in his faith), but I guess I had always taken Crrow777 as having a Christian faith and after this interview it seems pretty clear he does not.

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Still a fascinating guest but this one surprised me.

Drop a comment below and correct me if I totally got this wrong.

To wrap, I’ll say one more time he can have whatever faith and beliefs he wants, we each have free will, I just had a wrong read on this guy apparently.


You can watch the interview here on SGT Report’s Rumble channel:


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