Hey, what could go wrong?
Ok this is going to be a wild one so buckle up!
It’s wild but it’s TRUE…and that’s what makes it so scary.
Let’s start at the beginning.
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You’re probably familiar with CERN, also known as the The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva Switzerland.
You’re probably familiar with the story about why we need such a thing….
The story goes that for some reason we need to crash really tiny particles into each other at ridiculous speeds because that will tell us something about science. Somehow.
Yet, many believe that’s not the case at all.
Many believe CERN exists for a much larger (and darker) purpose.
Essentially, to open a portal into another dimension.
Yes, really.
And in the opinion of this reporter, they’re right.
So here’s the deal…
CERN has actually been shut down for several years.
But it’s powering back up on July 5th and they’re dialing up the power to a level never before tested.
In fact, several magnitudes higher than “never before tested”.
I repeat: what could go wrong?
On July 5th,22, 2022 @CERN will be firing up their large hadron collider. Been off 3+ years. There are many theories circulating on how this can open up "tiny quantum black holes". They will be setting a world record by firing it up at 13.6 trillion electron volts (13.6 TeV). pic.twitter.com/fRCkYaEGN7
— StockShaman ⚒ #PeakCopper AKA Greg Shafransky 🍌 (@StockShaman) July 3, 2022
Think this is all nonsense?
It has Biblical precedence.
Remember Jacob’s Ladder?
#CERN is firing up to the highest power level EVER on July 5th, when many Americans will be drunk celebrating the #FourthofJuly
Some say they are actively trying to open a portal like Jacob’s Ladder#Geneva #Switzerland pic.twitter.com/E99SDA0flx
— Jesus the Anarchist (@iam_thesonofman) July 1, 2022
Before we even get into that, let’s talk about some of the stuff “hidden in plain sight”.
Like the logo.
Is this the most obvious 666 of all logos?
CERN logo 666. They love to hide everything in plain sight pic.twitter.com/HUSGPnwKPW
— Simsy (@NotSoGreatReset) July 3, 2022
Have a look at CERN 5th July 2022. The logo should give you a clue. 666 pic.twitter.com/LFR29iDs8c
— Monkey (@Scathach33) July 4, 2022
And then we have the statue located outside the entrance to CERN.
What is the statue, you ask?
None other than “Shiva” the God of Destruction.
I can already hear what some of you are thinking right now: Noah, that’s stupid! I don’t believe in Shiva!
Fair enough, but that’s not the point.
THEY do.
And they chose to put Shiva, the God of Destruction, outside the entrance to CERN.
Major cause for concern:
Essentially they want to destroy the whole universe to build it back up again.
Yes, really:
So #CERN is being switched on again after 3 years, to open a portal or star gate in to another dimension, to cause destruction on mankind and out of the chaos bring order, their NWO! Hence the statue of Shiva, whose role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it.#NWO pic.twitter.com/47vJbei2Qz
— Rightofmind (@Rightofmind1) July 4, 2022
Here they are performing a ritual outside with Shiva:
They fired up the collider back in 2012 and this happened:
Yes, really.
Many people even believe the collider is responsible for the Mandela Effects that are often reported.
Like this one:
Remember when CERN opened a portal in 2012 and accidentally erased the cornucopia from the fruit of the loom logo?
— C🛸RL (@wtfuf) July 1, 2022
If you don’t know what the Mandela Effect is, I’ll have to cover that in a future article.
Suffice to say for right now, it’s FASCINATING!
Here’s more:
CERN is literally summoning the demon. 666 in the logo. Exactly 16.6 miles around. Literally occult symbols everywhere. God be with us when this thing turns on starting July 3. Supposedly it will use more power than the entire USA does in 1 year. It’s underground opening a portal pic.twitter.com/Skx4XgbJsI
— Christopher Greene 😎🏝🚀⛵️ (@amtvmedia) July 2, 2022
Here’s more:
And this is very accurate if you were to summarize what they are trying to accomplish:
They're trying to recreate the Big Bang & open a portal to another dimension at CERN with the Large Hadron Collider, largest & most powerful particle accelerator. There's a statue of Shiva, a Hindu God, also known as the destroyer outside. It's being turned back on July 5 😧
— Andreas (@AndreasYilma) June 29, 2022
sooo nobody else is concerned that THE CERN collider will be turning on july 5th and opening up a portal and letting some dark sided shit come through
— Syd Divine Tarot 💎 open for bookings (@SydDivineTarot) July 2, 2022
Oh, and if this all sounds EXACTLY like the plot to Stranger Things (especially Seasons 2 and 3) then you’d be 100% correct.
More here:
Thinking about CERN & recent predictive programming. Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness.. Stranger Things Vol. 1, Vol. 2 drops 7/1. All about opening a portal to another dimension & fighting off beings that come through it. & CERN turns on 7/5.. They’re getting everyone ready 📺 pic.twitter.com/tfsUKZOTHI
— Jix 🦋 (@jixxii) July 2, 2022
Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! Everything is fine.
— Christian H. (@CHintonMedia) June 29, 2022
Swiss Info had more on the story:
The restart of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory near Geneva coincides with the 10th anniversary of the celebrated discovery by its researchers of the Higgs boson, a long-sought fundamental particle that gives mass to other subatomic components of the universe.
Scientists hope that increasing the energy and frequency with which protons collide in the LHC’s experiments, after accelerating almost to the speed of light in a 27km underground ring, will provide evidence for “new physics” — fundamental forces and particles that go beyond the so-called standard model, to which the Higgs boson gave a finishing touch.
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Thousands of physicists work on the LHC at the CERN headquarters close to the Swiss-French border and remotely from universities around the world.
Among other questions, they are hoping to discover why matter rather than anti-matter dominates the universe and to uncover the nature of “dark matter” — invisible to all scientific instruments so far developed — which is known to be more plentiful than conventional matter.
If you want a deeper dive, I’ve got you covered.
Watch this on Rumble:
And even more here:
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