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6-Month-Old Baby Reportedly Denied Heart Transplant Because He’s Unvaccinated; Urgent CALL TO ACTION to Help Save Baby August


U.S. Congressional candidate Robby Starbuck shared a disturbing story in a Twitter thread Friday morning.

“A 6 month old baby is being denied a heart transplant at Vanderbilt unless his parents vaccinate him. They’ve refused on religious & medical grounds. His heart is failing and his life CANNOT be lost because of the agenda clearly at play here. Parental rights matter,” Starbuck wrote. 

“The Transplant Team at Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital, led by Dr. David Bearl, REFUSES to place baby August on the transplant list because he is unvaccinated, effectively sentencing this child to death,” Nurse Freedom Network shared.

“Please CALL 615-322-6154 [to] contact the Vanderbilt Pediatric Heart Institute & voice your strong concern about this TRAVESTY.”

From Nurse Freedom Network:

The transplant team at Monroe Carrell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, led by Dr. David Bearl has unlawfully denied placing six month old August Stoll on the transplant list due to his vaccination status.

Message from August’s mother, Hannah Stoll:

“Cardiology (at Vanderbilt Children’s) has been amazing here, as well as the PCICU. I don’t want anyone to think we haven’t received excellent care from the cardiologists, nurses, NPs and surgeon. It is the transplant team who has failed us.”

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The boy’s parents have made the decision NOT to give their child an experimental covid jab, as well as other childhood vaccines, based on religious and medical grounds; it is entirely within their rights to do so.

The state of Tennessee passed a law that went into effect on April 13, 2022, that forbids medical institutions from denying services and transplants to patients based upon their vaccination status.

Dr. Bearl insists that baby August receive ALL of these vaccines, plus the experimental covid jab before they will place him on the recipient list for a life-saving organ.

*Source – Nurse Freedom Network*

This precious child is in DIRE need of this transplant. Please reach out to the Vanderbilt Pediatric Heart Institute at 615-322-6154 and voice your strong concern and demand that they follow applicable TN law! We MUST stand in the gap for baby August and so many others who are being shamefully denied medical care and life-saving interventions. Please SHARE this widely! We must be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves!


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