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Trump Makes A PROMISE You Have To Hear


President Trump has made a hilarious promise.

During the Faith and Freedom Conference, President Trump received news that Biden fell off his bike in Rehoboth, Delaware, so in response, Trump made a hilarious promise.

The promise Trump made was that he promises the American people he will never ride a bike.

Take a look:

Trump’s comments came moments after this happened:

Trump didn’t just stop there though.

He would go on to Truth Social and post this video:

The Independent shared these details:

Donald Trump has been mocking Joe Biden’s recent fall by pledging to “never ever ride a bicycle”.

The former president was speaking at his American Freedom tour in Memphis, Tennessee, when he raised his hand as if under oath, to make the joke.

Earlier, he posted a fake video on Truth Social of him pretending to hit Biden off his bike by swinging his golf club with such power that the ball hit him on the head.

Biden says he is “fine” after the fall, which happened on a trip to Delaware.


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