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New Report EXPOSES The 75 Soros-Installed Prosecutors in United States!


The truth is coming out on a daily basis!

First a trickle, then a flood.

And we’re starting to move into “flood season”.

You’ve probably heard about George Soros funding prosecutors and other members of government, but thanks to a new report, the details are now being released!

The report is titled “Justice For Sale,” and it details how Soros installed the radicals whose policies have been wreaking American cities.

And get this: many of them have ZERO prior prosecutorial experience!

Here’s a snippet from the report:

Traditionally, elections for district attorney have been quiet affairs. Candidates spent very little on their campaigns, instead jockeying for local endorsements and burnishing their legal qualifications for the top job. That changed recently as millions of campaign dollars have flowed into these down-ballot contests. The bulk of that lavish spending on advertising and consultants has been done by (or on behalf of) “social justice” candidates.

In most of these free-spending contests, progressive forces proved victorious by either defeating incumbent Democrats or crushing a field of primary contenders. Strikingly, most of these prosecutors were political neophytes and had zero prosecutorial experience – previously an assumed prerequisite for office. Many have no previous criminal case experience.

The decisive factor in most cases was outside financing – unprecedented levels of campaign cash directly from large donors or through third-party allied groups (i.e., political action committees).

You can read and share the full report below.

This is a 17 page report, you just need to keep scrolling down on the image and it will allow you to read all 17 pages.

Names are named, pictures are shown, connections are made to show how they got placed in power.

Read it here:

Justice for Sale LELDF Report by Paul Bedard

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