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Department of Homeland Security: “Vulnerabilities Affecting Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast X”


Remember when we were told that it was impossible to change votes on voting machines?

The public was told that these ballots could not be manipulated.

This was supposed to be THE most secure election in history.

Remember that?

Then why did the Department of Homeland Security publish the following findings?

Vulnerabilities Affecting Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast X

Here’s where things get interesting:

The Department of Homeland Security claims that there’s no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited.

Some people might be tempted to believe them… but don’t forget that this is the same government that told us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

According to the CISA advisory (emphasis ours):

This advisory identifies vulnerabilities affecting versions of the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite ImageCast X, which is an in-person voting system used to allow voters to mark their ballot. The ImageCast X can be configured to allow a voter to produce a paper record or to record votes electronically. While these vulnerabilities present risks that should be mitigated as soon as possible, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections. 

Exploitation of these vulnerabilities would require physical access to individual ImageCast X devices [√], access to the Election Management System (EMS) [√], or the ability to modify files before they are uploaded to ImageCast X devices [√].

Jurisdictions can prevent and/or detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities by diligently applying the mitigations recommended in this advisory, including technical, physical, and operational controls that limit unauthorized access or manipulation of voting systems. Many of these mitigations are already typically standard practice in jurisdictions where these devices are in use and can be enhanced to further guard against exploitation of these vulnerabilities. 

What does this mean?

This means that YES, our elections are vulnerable and compromised.

There is no doubt about that at all.

The DHS admits it!

But did you read in-between the lines?

There’s only one type of person who apparently can alter election results:

Local officials.

Could this be why local officials did not want to investigate the election?

Look at the pushback from Maricopa County!

Look at the pushback from Georgia!

Only local officials could edit the election results, because only local officials have access to the tools and permissions to be able to do so.

According to the CISA report, only people with the following could manipulate the election:

Exploitation of these [Dominion Voting System] vulnerabilities would require:

• physical access to individual ImageCast X devices,

• access to the Election Management System (EMS), or

• the ability to modify files before they are uploaded to ImageCast X devices.

Here’s where things get funny…

The mainstream media is working overtime to cover this up.

They are already claiming that these vulnerabilities haven’t been used in any previous elections.

In other words, we allegedly still had “the most secure election in history” in 2020.

Yet we know that things that were once “conspiracy theories” are now being proven as true.

For example, a former Arizona MAYOR was arrested for being part of a “sophisticated” ballot harvesting scheme.

But even as their own narrative falls apart, CNN still claims that.2020 was secure:

The Washington Post first reported on the CISA advisory.

In preparing for the disclosure of the software vulnerabilities, CISA on Friday updated its “Rumor Control” website, which it used to rebut claims of election fraud during the 2020 election, with a new entry.

“The existence of a vulnerability in election technology is not evidence that the vulnerability has been exploited or that the results of an election have been impacted,” the new Rumor Control posting reads.

The vulnerabilities affect a type of Dominion ballot-marking device known as the Democracy Suite ImageCast X, according to the CISA advisory, that is only used in certain states.

“We are working closely with election officials to help them address these vulnerabilities and ensure the continued security and resilience of US election infrastructure,” CISA Executive Director Brandon Wales said in a statement to CNN.

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“Of note, states’ standard election security procedures would detect exploitation of these vulnerabilities and in many cases would prevent attempts entirely. This makes it very unlikely that these vulnerabilities could affect an election.”

The CISA analysis is of a security assessment of Dominion Voting Systems’ ballot-marking devices done by a University of Michigan computer scientist at the behest of plaintiffs in a long-running lawsuit against Georgia’s Secretary of State.

The computer scientist, J. Alex Halderman, was given physical access over several weeks to the Dominion ballot-marking devices, which print out a ballot after voters make their choice on a touch screen.

Halderman’s report is still under seal with the court.

But according to Halderman and people who have seen the report, it claims to demonstrate how the software flaws could be used to alter QR codes printed by the ballot-marking devices, so those codes do not match the vote recorded by the voter. Postelection audits, which compare paper trails with votes recorded on machines, could catch the discrepancy.

The nature of computing means all software has vulnerabilities if you look closely enough, and software used in elections is no different. But election experts say physical access controls and other layers of defense, along with postelection audits, help mitigate the threat of votes being manipulated via cyberattacks.
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