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Video Shows Kamala Harris Cackling During Speech on the Serious Threat of ‘Climate Change’


It’s clear to everyone in the Left-wing establishment that bringing Kamala Harris onto the presidential ticket was a bad idea. From the legions of staffers that are fleeing from her office to insiders talking about it over drinks on the Hill, it is becoming clear that Kamala is a nightmare. Not only as a candidate or VP, but as a person.

To deal with this, it appears that the administration and her team have worked overtime in keeping her under wraps and out of the public eye. However, no matter how bad she does in public, you have to bring her out occasionally to show proof of life.

For the most part, Kamala has been demoted to working on things that Joe and the American people care very little about. Witness Kamala taking up babysitting duty with the prime minister of New Zealand. With everything going on in this country, New Zealand, no matter how beautiful, is not high on the list of American’s concerns. If it weren’t for Kamala blasting it on Twitter, most of us wouldn’t have even known it happened.

Another interesting development has been how the White House has tried to prevent Kamala from opening her mouth and using words. In recent weeks, the Vice President has been mostly sent on photo ops and diplomatic missions where she wouldn’t have to address the public.

Here she is posing with Asian Americans for Twitter.

Here she is posing for the swearing-in of our under-qualified ambassador to Iraq

They don’t even use Kamala’s face for this particular situation. Likely because her facials would not be appropriate to the tragedy.

Keeping Kamala on photo-op duty and in silent videos where she is simply walking down sidewalks is likely a strategic move. Some of the greatest national embarrassments and blunders have come whenever she has chosen to open her mouth.

Well, it turns out that Kamala has struck again and the cameras were there to catch the moment. As we all know, Joe’s major selling point to America was fixing climate change. In office, it’s not been high on his list. Since he’s taken to hammer to the economy and liquified our southern border, climate change isn’t a priority for most Americans either. Hence why Kamala was sent to represent the administration regarding climate change. I’m going to spoil the ending, she messed up massively. Trending politics has the play-by-play.

Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris on Wednesday addressed the country on the purportedly dire threat posed by climate change. In the middle of her speech, she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

According to reports, she actually started out pretty strong. She was wrong in nearly all of her facts but her delivery was strong. Here’s a little snippet.

Across, the West, we have seen the terrible cost of the climate crisis,” she claimed. “And I’ve visited many of the places where we have seen the wildfires, where families have lost their homes and their loved ones, where entire communities have been wiped out. I’ve met with and talked with the firefighters. My brother-in-law is a firefighter in California. And many of them who work 24hr shifts in some of the most dangerous conditions that you can imagine to keep us safe.”

Here is the thing. The tone of the speech was meant to communicate the grave nature of climate change. Her speech dedicated entire minutes to communicating how severe and bad things had gotten. And then, Kamala couldn’t help herself. She had to take a serious moment and make a joke. Here it is:

I will come to her defense a little bit here. Unlike what other well-meaning news outlets will say, she is not making fun or laughing about climate change. However, it was still in poor taste to be laughing during a speech that is supposed to be very serious and that you want all of us to take seriously.

The response from Twitter has been interesting. Most people are confused by her delivery and others have seen this as further evidence that the nation has got a leadership problem.

This is  just one mess up in a long line of them however it’s becoming more clear to the rest of America what conservatives have already known. Kamala is uncomfortable about serious things. She doesn’t like complicated topics that require her to dedicate herself beyond simply smiling at crowds and being a guest on podcasts. Kamala is fully incapable of being a leader and this is just one more example.



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