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Today’s Gospel Message: GOD WINS!


Hello friends!

As many of you know, each Sunday we like to bring you a great Gospel message.

We actually have two of them for you today!

This is is from me.

I’m not a Pastor, and no Dominique I am not the guy in the suspenders!  The guy in the suspenders is my good friend Pastor Robb Goodman from Marlyand.

He’s been a longtime friend and we love featuring him here on WeLoveTrump on Sundays.

But he’s not me — sorry folks!

So the first message comes from me, a non-pastor, and it’s very simply this: GOD WINS.

I thought it was a good time to remind everyone of that.

If you’re feeling weary or worn out or up against big odds either personally or when you think about this country, let me just remind you the God always wins in the end!

I hope that helps whoever needed to hear it right now.

And next we move to Pastor Robb for a full gospel message, which he explains in a quick summary below:

Today’s message is titled, “Are You a Fixture or a Mixture?”  The message today is according to the Lord’s written word that we as believers must be  completely separated to Lord. Worldly mixture is not pleasing to our Abba Father. May this message encourage you and build  you up on your most Holy Faith. Love & Blessings to all of you on Noah’s We Love Trump!

Please share your prayer requests and I’ll be very happy to pray and intercede for you!

Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship in Westminster Maryland USA.

Please enjoy this one and I hope it encourages and challenges you!

By the way, Pastor Robb has been experiencing some big spiritual attacks recently…

For the past two weeks, YouTube would not even allow him to upload a new message.

He’s also had several health scares recently and he continues to fight for good health.

🙏 Please keep Pastor Robb in your prayers! 🙏

Thank you!


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