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AFL Trainer, 43, Dies After Suffering Cardiac Arrest While Running on Hiking Trail


AFL (Australian Football League) trainer Jason Januszke died after suffering cardiac arrest while running on one of Adelaide’s well-known hiking trails.

The revered personal trainer, 43, trained numerous Port Adelaide and Adelaide Crows players.

Januszke leaves behind his wife Jess and their two sons, Tom, 6, and Jack, 4.

In addition to owning Inspire Health & Fitness Studio in the CBD, Januszke also worked as a security guard at a number of Adelaide nightclubs. reported:

Wife Jess took to social media with the heart breaking news the morning after his death.

“It is with a very broken heart that I share with you the terribly sad news that tragically my darling husband Jase passed away suddenly … while doing something he loved, running Mt Lofty,” her Facebook post read.

“Thank you for all the messages of love and support over the last 24 hours, I will be wrapping my arms around our two beautiful boys as we try to make sense of a life without him.”

Fox Sports added:

Out of respect for Mr Januszke, PAFC players wore black armbands during their clash with the Geelong Cats on Saturday.

Captain Tom Jonas said the father of two was “a great mate” who had a “selfless” nature.

“Jase was more than a training partner… Energetic, driven, generous and selfless he made those in his presence the best form of themselves,” he told The Advertiser.

“Most of all he was a devoted husband and the proudest father, always recounting Tom and Jack’s most recent feats with a smile on his face.”

Crows player Taylor Walker describing Mr Januszke as a proud father and close friend who had “genuine care and passion for everything he did”.

“A smile was always on his face because he loved what he did and he loved his family and mates,” he said.

In other Australian news, 42-year-old TV presenter and former synchronised swimming champion Erin Jayne Plummer suddenly passed away last weekend.

42-Year-Old Australian TV Presenter and Former Synchronised Swimming Champion Suddenly Dies


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