A 27-year-old amateur footballer tragically passed away after suffering cardiac arrest on the pitch.
Dimitri Roveri, the Quingentole team captain, was transported by helicopter to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan.
He died a few hours later.
Dimitri Roveri, 28, the team captain, suffered a cardiac arrest during an amateur soccer match. He was transported to a local hospital via helicopter, but died shortly after.
Last week he announced he was going to be a new dad in September.https://t.co/kaSfuSjWUY pic.twitter.com/iiWLtYN8Dx
— COVID VACCINE INJURIES .COM (@Storiesofinjury) May 12, 2022
Before 2021 it would have been very rare to see young and healthy athletes die or having heart issues.
Instances of this type were almost unheard of.
Now… since the Covid ‘vaccine׳ rollout Deaths like Dimitri's are commonplace.Make it make sense 🙁https://t.co/BtQDdr1Rgx
— Roi Levran (@Iamtheoldnormal) May 9, 2022
Dimitri aveva solo 27 anni…R.I.P. 😔https://t.co/SvbPAnlL8D
— Eurosport IT (@Eurosport_IT) May 8, 2022
La Repubblica reported:
The amateur footballer hit by cardiocirculatory arrest during the amateur match between Casalpoglio and Quingentole did not make it. Dimitri Roveri, 27, striker and captain of the Quingentole team, died a few hours after his admission to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. Roveri collapsed trembling and never regained consciousness. He lived in Quingentole and was engaged: last week he announced to his family that he would become a father in September. He worked as a gardener and cleaner in a retirement home in Mantua.
Dimitri Roveri felt ill when there were 20 minutes left in the match, in an area away from the action. The first to rescue him was his sister Nicol, president of the team and authorized to use the defibrillator. But the boy’s conditions immediately appeared very serious. He died after ten in the evening in the hospital where he had arrived by helicopter, after being intubated. And despite a desperate surgery.
Mantova, malore improvviso in campo: morto il calciatore e capitano del Quingentole – Cronaca In arresto cardiaco, è stato rianimato e trasportato al San Raffaele di Milano, ma non ce l'ha fatta: Dimitri Roveri aveva 27 anni 👮♀️ @Quirinale https://t.co/UGDkFGNXNo
— Radio PATRIOTI 🇮🇹 TIRANNI CRIMINALI ASSASSINI (@gallina_di) May 8, 2022
Italy 24 News added:
Roveri, who was captain of the Quingentole team, he is described by all as a very healthy boy, controlled and dedicated to the sporting activity of football that he had been practicing for some time. Collaborator of the Scarpari Forattini retirement home in Schivenoglia, he would become a father within a few months. At the race, in addition to his sister and the fans who arrived from Quingentole, parents were also present. The race was naturally suspended immediately. It was a playoff match in group 1 of the Open 11 Uisp championship in the province of Mantua. When the young man was taken ill, Casalpoglio was winning 1-0 and there were about 15 minutes to go until the end of the match.
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