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PROPHECY FULFILLED: Robin Bullock, Strange Fires (8/22/21)


Anyone else love listening to Robin Bullock?

He has so much knowledge and insight and when he gives a prophetic message you can take it to the bank.

I love showing you when something he prophesied comes to pass.

And not just the “small stuff” either.

How about something big, like telling us back in August of 2021 that strange fires would suddenly start breaking out all over?

That’s odd, right?

Sure, maybe there are a couple random fires each year that make the news, but not a bunch.

Not so many it starts making headlines.

Well, that’s exactly what Robin told you 9 months ago would happen and for the last 2 weeks you’ve been seeing it play out every single day in the nightly news!

Watch the original prophecy right here from August 2021:

And then check out these stories that we’ve covered just in the last two weeks…

From today:

Engineered Collapse? ANOTHER General Mills Facility Catches Fire

From two days ago:

Engineered Collapse? ANOTHER General Mills Facility Catches Fire

From one week ago:

Engineered Collapse? ANOTHER General Mills Facility Catches Fire

From one week ago:

FBI Issues Warning of Cyber Attacks on Food Plants After Suspicious Fires, Explosions & Plane Crashes at Food Processing Plants

From two weeks ago:

Flagship U.S. Organic Food Distributor Suffers ‘Mysterious’ Fire


Fires and Explosions Destroy 20+ Food Processing Plants Moments After Biden Warns of Food Shortages

Robin Bullock right on yet again...

And that's why we are proud to spotlight him here at WeLoveTrump.

Robin, come on and do an interview, I'd love to chat with you on my show!

Contact me!


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