Italy will begin rationing electricity to ‘support Ukraine’ starting next month.
Public buildings cannot run the air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees or heating higher than 19 degrees.
So, you must drown in sweat during summer or shiver during winter to save democracy and fight for Ukraine?
Am I getting this right?
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How long until this is mandated inside private homes and businesses?
From next month onwards, Italy will begin rationing electricity to ‘support Ukraine’, with public buildings banned from running air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees or heating higher than 19 degrees.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) April 25, 2022
Summit News explained:
The plan is being dubbed ‘Operation Thermostat’ and is being hailed as the example for Italians to follow in their own private homes.
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi promoted the campaign by asking, “Do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?”
Presumably, the ‘price of peace’ is now a permanent reduction in your quality of life.
“I’m not exactly sure how adjusting your thermostat is going to achieve ‘peace’, but hey we’re living in the age of sentimental manipulation over reason, so – just believe,” comments Kit Knightly.
“There’s no talk yet of this kind of energy-rationing rule extending to private businesses or homes, but a marker has been set down. Expect other nations to follow suit.”
Knightly explains how the narrative that people need to ration their energy use (which is already happening thanks to soaring prices caused by the sanctions imposed on Russia) has been seamlessly transferred from the less convincing ‘save the planet’ argument to the ‘support Ukraine’ ubiquitous virtue signal.
Of course, under the Great Reset, serfs on the globalist plantation are being asked to reduce their living standards, while elitists and technocrats who set the policies will continue to enjoy first class travel, the best food on offer, and every imaginable luxury comfort.
The Guardian added:
The rules will begin on 1 May and be in place until 31 March next year, with heating in public buildings during winter not permitted to exceed 19C. It is not yet clear how the measure will be policed, but inspectors from the ministry of labour could undertake controls, with those flouting the limits fined between €500 and €3,000, Il Messaggero reported. The measure does not apply to hospitals but may eventually be extended to private homes.
Renato Brunetta, the minister for public administration, said the initiative, introduced by the Five Star Movement, was a “positive” sign and would save 2-4bn cubic metres of gas a year. About 57% of the energy costs of a public office building comes from temperature control.
Angela Masi, a politician with the Five Star Movement, said: “It’s correct that the public administration is setting a good example, cutting waste and raising awareness among citizens about rationalising consumption. It’s a simple way to contribute and reduce dependency on gas.”
While the globalists demand the serfs reduce their dependency on gas, expect them to continue flying on private jets and cruising on sumptuous yachts.
They want to plunge the working class into poverty while clinging to their first-class lifestyle.
But if they say it’s for Ukraine, the brainwashed masses will fall for their schemes hook, line, and sinker.
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