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Here’s Your Chance To Troll…..I Mean Ask a Question for Bill Gates


How many WeLoveTrump readers have “questions” to ask billionaire globalist Bill Gates?

The same depopulation advocate who mocked demonstrators at his recent TED Talk presentation in Vancouver, Canada.

“ARREST BILL GATES!” Massive Protest Outside of TED Talk Where Bill Gates Will Present Keynote Speech (WATCH)

I have plenty of strongly-worded "questions" to ask Mr. Gates.

But I won't list them here.

Here's how you may have the chance to send your questions to the vaccine-pushing elitist.

The Guardian explained:

Next month, the Observer New Review will publish a “You Ask the Questions”-style interview with Bill Gates. Here is your chance to put a question to Gates about pandemics, or indeed, any of the other topics he is an expert on: from disease eradication and Silicon Valley to philanthropy and global heating. What’s it like to be named in a conspiracy theory? Can vaccines eradicate Covid-19 entirely? Why should I bin my Mac and buy a Windows computer?

To submit a question, please fill in the form below, email or tweet @ObsNewReview by 4pm Wednesday 20 April.

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One of our journalists will be in contact before we publish, so please do leave contact details.


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