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Take Action to Stop the WHO’s Diabolical Global Pandemic Treaty; #StopTheTreaty


I reported last month on the WHO’s unprecedented power grab for the next ‘pandemic.’

The global health agency is preparing an international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness.

For participating countries, this global binding agreement would override their nation’s constitution and pandemic response strategies.

Thus, it establishes a pre-determined global response to any “pandemic.”

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From the WHO in December 2021:

In a consensus decision aimed at protecting the world from future infectious diseases crises, the World Health Assembly today agreed to kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, said the decision by the World Health Assembly was historic in nature, vital in its mission, and represented a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the many flaws in the global system to protect people from pandemics: the most vulnerable people going without vaccines; health workers without needed equipment to perform their life-saving work; and ‘me-first’ approaches that stymie the global solidarity needed to deal with a global threat,” Dr Tedros said.

“But at the same time, we have seen inspiring demonstrations of scientific and political collaboration, from the rapid development of vaccines, to today’s commitment by countries to negotiate a global accord that will help to keep future generations safer from the impacts of pandemics.”

The Health Assembly met in a Special Session, the second-ever since WHO’s founding in 1948, and adopted a sole decision titled: “The World Together.” The decision by the Assembly establishes an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, with a view to adoption under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution, or other provisions of the Constitution as may be deemed appropriate by the INB.

Article 19 of the WHO Constitution provides the World Health Assembly with the authority to adopt conventions or agreements on any matter within WHO’s competence. The sole instrument established under Article 19 to date is the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which has made a significant and rapid contribution to protecting people from tobacco since its entry into force in 2005.

Under the decision adopted today, the INB will hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will also hold public hearings to inform its deliberations; deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023; and submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024.

Through the decision, the World Health Assembly also requested the WHO Director-General to convene the INB meetings and support its work, including by facilitating the participation of other United Nations system bodies, non-state actors, and other relevant stakeholders in the process to the extent decided by the INB.

There's a short amount of time to stop the World Health Organization’s proposed “global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response."

We have less than 12 hours from the time of writing to let the WHO know what we think about its proposed “global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”

The Defender explains how to Stop the Treaty!

Take action! Go to the World Council for Health website and use its platform to weigh in on the WHO’s global accord on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Submissions must be in response to the provided guiding question: What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?

Plan would strip nations of the right to set their own health policy

In a special session, only the second-ever such session since the agency’s founding in 1948, the WHO’s Health Assembly met in December 2021 to adopt an agreement titled: “The World Together.”

The decision by the Health Assembly established an intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement.

Health Policy Watch reported the agreement will focus on “incoherent policymaking by member states and lack of international cooperation.”

What this means precisely is anyone’s guess, but it suggests a new global health governance that will strip nations of the right to determine their own health policy in the event of a pandemic.

However, the agreement doesn’t stop with pandemics.

The intergovernmental negotiating body also is instructed to address “the unsustainable food production and livestock breeding, wildlife trading, resource-intensive lifestyles and consumption, destruction of ecosystems, antimicrobial resistance and soaring figures of cancer” along with a range of other issues.

Such a binding agreement would stop countries like Sweden from preventing lockdowns and mandates within their borders as they did during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It could also prevent states such as Texas, Florida or Tennessee from defying federal and global mandates.

The underlying agenda envisions a world where WHO supersedes the authority of every signatory nation’s individual constitution.

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The Biden administration announced it wants issues of “health equity” included in the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement, according to Politico.

Aside from the Politico report on Biden’s equality agenda, the media have reported very few details about the WHO’s sweeping treaty — which effectively is being negotiated in secret.

Buzzwords like “equity” can easily be used to conceal a hidden agenda to centralize global control of public health to benefit Big Pharma, major corporations and global financial capital.

You can help, but you must act today

Let the WHO know public health is not a one-size-fits-all program. We need people and communities in control of their own health.

Submit your comment ASAP!


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