Remember how it used to be a “conspiracy theory” that the mRNA vaccine altered your DNA?
It’s not a conspiracy anymore, according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Quote: “permanent alterations to your body” after taking the C19 vaxx.
They worked these are mRNA's
Dr. Tenpenny:
The vaxxed will experience an explosion in cancer & German data shows the vaxxed over 30 will have full blown vaxxine-induced AIDS by the end of this year
My stomach is churning 🥲— Iona Ragnar K (@Louise30086556) March 30, 2022
Trending: Did The Prophets Get It All Wrong? Inauguration #1 Was Today, But Inauguration #2 Is Coming Soon!
I have the full video for you right here that needs to be seen by everyone.
I’m so sorry to anyone who was pressured or forced into taking this toxic poison.
Watch here on Rumble:
Meanwhile, some outlets still claim there is no alteration of DNA, although if you read the full study it sure sounds like it’s altering DNA to me!
But what do I know, I’m not a doctor.
From read this “fact check” claiming it’s absolutely not true that mRNA alters your DNA:
Claims that COVID-19 jabs can alter human DNA resurfaced this week as vaccine sceptics across social media seized upon the results of a new study to suggest that people receiving the vaccine risked changing or even poisoning their genes.
“YES THE ‘VACCINE’ ALTERS YOUR DNA,” read one post in a popular conspiracy forum, viewed more than 30,000 times.
Former TV chef Pete Evans also used his Telegram channel to announce that “mRNA could alter human DNA!”, while also sharing an edited extract from the study that suggested this process may “potentially mediate GENOTOXIC SIDE EFFECTS”.
So, should you be worried?
Not according to three experts consulted by Fact Check, who separately described the latest study as “regrettably weak”, “[not] very robust” and “very limited” in its findings.
Published by academics in Sweden, the study purports to show that the “messenger” RNA at the heart of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine can be converted to DNA inside a human cell via “reverse transcription”.
This is a process whereby RNA (itself a product of DNA) creates DNA. However, inserting that DNA into our genome requires a secondary process called “retrotransposition”, which, as experts writing in The Conversation have explained, is exceedingly rare.
According to a fact sheet written by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the genetic material contained in mRNA vaccines “never enters the nucleus [centre] of your cells, which is where your DNA is kept”.
Claims of mRNA vaccines altering human DNA have persisted throughout the pandemic, despite being debunked by fact checkers at Reuters, PolitiFact and AFP.
As for the latest study, Traude Beilharz, an associate professor and RNA biologist at Monash University, told Fact Check that “the level of evidence [it provides] for reverse-transcription is low, [while] the evidence for genome integration is non-existent”.
Read our full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic
She said that if the vaccine had triggered the retrotransposition process “then the other [approximately] 10,000 mRNAs within the cell should be ending up in the genome too”.“But that simply doesn’t happen,” she added, explaining that human cells have “myriad mechanisms” to prevent it, and that there were “many experimental tests available to researchers to detect even vanishingly rare retrotransposition events”.
Even so, the authors wrote that they did “not know if DNA reverse transcribed from [the Pfizer vaccine] is integrated into the cell genome”.
In an email to Fact Check, Archa Fox, an associate professor at the University of Western Australia’s School of Molecular Sciences, noted several issues with the design of the study, including that it relied on an artificially high dose of the vaccine.
But in any event, “the fact that something is found in DNA format is neither here nor there … [without proving] it was integrated into the genome”, she said.
Stephen Turner, head of Monash University’s Department of Microbiology, also raised concerns about the concentrated dose tested, along with the absence of controls for the study’s use of cultured cells, which he said “don’t represent the tissues of our body”.
“So to use it as evidence that these things change … or get incorporated into our DNA, is presumptive at best, misleading at worst,” he said.
Hmmmm, not sure I’m convinced, how about you?
So…what do you think?
So what can be done if you took the poison jab without knowing all the consequences?
Is there any hope?
Can you restore and recover your immune system?
Can you fight off impending death from the spike protein?
Dr. Tenpenny says you can’t necessarily counteract the DNA overwriting, but you can restore and reboot your immune system.
And that’s where Dr. Zelenko comes in.
Can you “rehab” your immune system?
Dr. Zelenko – The [DS] Did Not Reach Their Goal, There Is Hope For Those Who Received The Death Jab!
I'm going to give you a big disclaimer right off the bat.....
DISCLAIMER: I'm not a doctor and I don't practice medicine.
And I'm not giving you medical advice.
But let's be honest....I think I can probably do better than the "doctors" like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!
You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you'd probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!
So no, I'm not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.
I'm a reporter.
I simply report what I hear and see from others.
To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!
But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine may be highly effective!
If you scroll down, I have links for you.
But first I want to give you some more background.
Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:
Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!
Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!
It's basic advice that was good then and is still good now!
You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU's of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.
Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:
If you want to follow Clif's advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.
You want to get "Liposomal" Vitamin C, very important.
And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good one:
Now on to Vitamin D.
Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:
And a backup:
And Chaga Mushroom Tea:
And we end with C60.
I've been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID. Just saying.
Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.
Here's what some people have reported:
As I understand it, C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Â
I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.
The company is called C60Evo.
Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you'll get 10% off your order!
I love this stuff and I think you will too.
Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!
No, I'm not promising you won't get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!
Be smart.
Be safe.
Be healthy!
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