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Forbes Publishes Article Blaming White Supremacy For Will Smith Assaulting Chris Rock


By now everyone has seen the video of Will Smith assaulting Chris Rock at the Oscars.

It’s dominated the news cycle for a few days now.

Many people have debated the legitimacy of the incident, and others have questioned why Smith would react so violently.

Don’t worry though…

A writer for Forbes has solved the mystery.

Maia Niguel Hoskin penned an article that determined who was really to blame for Will Smith’s violent assault on another black man: white supremacy.

No, I’m really not kidding.

The article explains how white supremacy is the root cause for Will Smith’s outburst because it has forced black men to internalize their rage…

Here’s a portion of the article from Forbes:

Some argue that this is not about Will Smith and Chris Rock being Black or Will Smith “setting Black people back.” This is about a much larger systemic issue rooted in white supremacist culture designed to police the behavior of Blacks amongst the who’s who in Hollywood and beyond. Respectability politics suggest that equity and fair treatment require that Black people — both inside and outside of Hollywood — conduct ourselves in a manner deemed acceptable to whites. Furthermore, expressing any emotion other than complacence, apathy, or agreeance directly violates those norms, disqualifying Black people from receiving the same equitable treatment that whites enjoy as a birthright. And sadly, there is a large group of Blacks who have internalized this toxic messaging.

So the argument here is that white supremacy has forced black people to conduct themselves in a certain manner that is “acceptable” to whites.

I’m confused…

Is the writer trying to say that only white people would find it unacceptable for someone to walk on stage and assault another man who is simply doing his job in front of hundreds of people?

This is quite the take…

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Just when you thought liberals couldn’t get any dumber…


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