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Did Biden Call for Regime Change in Russia? “For God’s Sake, This Man Cannot Remain in Power,” He Says


Biden gave an address on Ukraine from Warsaw, Poland and issued his strongest statements aimed directly at Vladimir Putin.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said at the end of the speech.


Biden also called Putin a “butcher” when questioned by a reporter.

Zero Hedge reported:

Given the Kremlin days ago already warned it’s on the brink of cutting off all diplomatic relations with Washington after Biden referred over a week ago to Putin as a “murderous dictator” and “thug” – Biden’s fresh words could be the tipping point for the severing of official relations, leading toward continued dangerous escalation between NATO and Moscow.

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President Biden delivers remarks on the united efforts of the free world to support the people of Ukraine for Warsaw, Poland.

The White House statement says Biden will discuss how the west will hold Russia accountable for its brutal war, and defend a future that is rooted in democratic principles…

Watch Biden’s remarks below:

Shortly after his address, headlines circulated that Biden pointed to regime change in Russia.

Biden also said this to the 82nd Airborne a day earlier.

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Cont. from Zero Hedge:

So in a mere 24 hours Biden seems to have leaked or let slip that we’re eventually going to likely have boots on the ground and that regime change in Russia is the goal.


The White House awkwardly scrambled to clarify Biden’s statements regarding Putin were “NOT” a call for regime change.

A White House official said Biden attempted to say: “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”


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