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Dr. Shiva’s Signature Analysis Finds Startling Discrepancies In Arizona Ballots

2016 Federal Election Senate counting at Belconnon High

The United States government is adept at lying through its teeth…

Anything I can think of from U.F.Os to election fraud is blatantly covered up or viciously lied about from both elected officials, and the bureaucratic parasites which comprise the permanent administrative state.

We all know that fraud was rife during the 2020 election, and the evidence is all around us…

Just like the U.S. government denied reports of U.F.Os for over 70 years, and claimed that there was absolutely zero evidence of the phenomenon during that time, they are likewise claiming that zero evidence exists for election fraud.

We all know how the U.F.O. lies turned out following the explosive 2017 article in The New York Times…

There were always mountains of evidence for that stuff dating back to the 1940’s the same way there are mountains of evidence pointing to the fact that the 2020 election was fraudulent, rigged, and usurped by nefarious powers.

It is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ that the election was stolen. The only conspiracy theory is in believing that the U.S. government is honest about anything.

Just like a battered woman who continues to return to the very man abusing her thinking that “this time will be different”, statists, liberals, and leftists continue to trust the same government which has repeatedly shown it cannot be trusted.

Dr. Shiva, an M.I.T. P.H.D., has been conducting a rigorous scientific study utilizing signature analysis in an effort to make sense of the 2020 election.

Here are just some of his findings:

Dr. Shiva revealed these findings:

First study to calculate Signature Matching Rates and to provide a quantitative framework for assessing Signature Verification of early voting mail ballots (EVBs).

In Maricopa County, 1,911,918 EVBs were received and counted.

The County reported no more than 25,000 of these ballots (1.3%) had signature mismatches and required review (“curing”); and of the 25,000, 2.3% in post-curing – 587 – were confirmed signature mismatches.

A Pilot Study recruited three novices and three experts (forensic document examiners) to calculate signature matching rates on the same sample of 499 EVB envelopes. The purpose of this Pilot Study is to determine if results warrant any further investigation.

All six reviewers who were presented images of EVB envelopes to evaluate if the signatures on those envelopes matched with genuine signatures on file concurred 60 of the 499 (12%) EVBs as signature mismatches.

Based on this Study, over 204,430 early EVBs should have been cured vs. the 25,000 that the County actually cured; and, using the County’s 2.3% post-curing rate, 5,277 EVBs should have been disallowed.


Though this Pilot Study is compelling on its own, an expanded study is warranted.


Just The News reports:

Astudy of Maricopa County’s mail ballots in Arizona’s 2020 presidential election estimates that more than 200,000 ballots with mismatched signatures were counted without being reviewed, or “cured” — more than eight times the 25,000 signature mismatches requiring curing acknowledged by the county.


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