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SAVED From The YouTube Purge: Klaus Schwab Admits It All On Video


This video has been deleted all across the internet.

Gone from Twitter…

Gone from YouTube…

I’ve even heard of some being deleted off Bitchute.

But after hours of searching I was able to find it.

It’s the “super edit” of all things said by that creep Klaus Schwab.

Or as some of you have nicknamed him: “Anal Schwab”.

I like that one.

But this really is no laughing matter.

Complete with even the evil German accent, this guy is like someone wrote a super-villain for a Hollywood movie and he somehow got loose in the real world.

Who says these kinds of things?

If you have ever doubted that they want to create a mass genocide of the human population and “reduce the population to 500 million” (see Georgia Guidestones) look no further that what this guy is saying publicly.

He probably thought we’d never piece it all together.

They like to “hide in plain sight”.

Too bad we’re paying attention now and millions of people have now been Red Pilled.

Can’t hide in plain sight any longer.

Folks, let me say it plainly: all the events you see playing out right now on the world stage are not random chance.

They’re not just due to some “bad actors”.

They’re staged in advance, carefully crafted.

Listen to what he says in this video: the change is crafted!

They plot all this evil, all the sickness, all the wars….all to bring about the “change” they want.  The “chaos” they want.  It’s all deliberate.

And you and I pay the price.

Watch it safely here on Rumble:



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